Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

We can love Math!

Many people consider math the curse of educaiton, the bane of learning, and most have a love hate relationship with it. Sure math can be difficult, but circumstances are definitely a defining factor. How math is presented makes a huge difference in how it is received.

Math is what we call a core subject. That means that math study is an integral part of all education. Math develops critical thinking skills, abstract concepts, process logic, and helps us put order to our thinking. Yes, it does involve numbers and number concepts, and even the manipulation of those numbers… but it is so much more than that. When students study math – it prepares them for many other school subjects along the way. Math helps them develop the crucial skills they need in order to think in an abstract manner. Many high school level courses require abstract understanding, logic, and critical thinking skills as a foundation for success, and all of these come from learning math.

Math is obviously very important, but this still doesn't change the fact that many people HATE math. The best advice to conquer this negative feeling toward math is to pull the old "switcheroo." When teaching a math concept the math challenge should always be present in an interesting manner as a puzzle. This frequently alleviates the stress that the student has put on themselves. Almost everyone loves a puzzle, and when we see a subject as something fun it definitely becomes less intimidating and more appealing! Making math fun, or at least interesting is the key to making it less hated! There are many ways to teach math painlessly from math flash cards to interactive math programs. There are limitless tools out there through curriculum and internet resources that will help you - help your child begin to LOVE math.
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