If you are currently in a teaching career, the internet was built for you! In a job where armfuls of ideas, resources, plans and creativity are necessary (and changeable) by the hour, the opportunity to browse, trade and learn is invaluable. If you have specific subject or query in mind, then Google really is the teachers pet. Here is a collection of some of my favourites, and what you can find when you log on:
Teacher Planet (www.teacherplanet.com) - A bang up to date resource featuring Spring & Summer Season lessons, plans, worksheets, tools, certificates and more.
UsingEnglish.Com (www.usingenglish.com) - Free English teacher resources for of all levels including hundreds of printable handouts, PDF lesson plans, online quizzes, jobs, articles, teacher discussion forum and more...
TES Connect (www.tes.co.uk) - The online version of The Times Educational Supplement. TES is an invaluable resource for industry news, views and ideas, reports and opinions; covering primary, secondary and further education.
The Foundation Stage Forum (www.foundation-stage.info) - This UK based site focuses on the early year’s education sector and those involved in education with children aged 3 to 5 years. The site provides resources and information and other materials that have been identified via needs discussed in the active forums.
Primary Resources (www.primaryresources.co.uk) - Containing those all important lesson plans, work and activity sheets. This site is suitable for teachers of all curriculum subjects; English, Maths, ICT, Science, Geography, History, Music, Languages and Art.
50 Must-Read Up and Coming Blogs by Teachers (www.teachingtips.com/blog/2008/06/30/50-must-read-up-and-coming-blogs-by-teachers/) - Find, browse and read blogs by other teachers like you!
TeacherLingo (www.teacherlingo.com) – It’s an online community for teachers to share thoughts and ideas and to discuss current events. Members can start a free teacher blog and more.
And finally
TeacherNet (www.teachernet.gov.uk) - This UK site lists literally hundred s of intelligent teaching resources, whatever your level or discipline.
Kellie Whitehead writes job related content for TheEducationProfessionals.Com Education Recruitment the number one online resource for those seeking an education career in Dubai and the Middle East.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Best of the Web’s Teachers’ Resources
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