When children are literally up to their gills with the learning and sport activities in school, it may seem superfluous to enroll them for after school activities. In spite of this, after school programs are sprouting up in large numbers and most of these are booked full. This shows that there is a real need for after school activities.
The unavailability of parental supervision is the leading cause for the surge in after school programs. It is seen that many children spend about 20-25 hours a week unsupervised and alone at home. And as the saying goes, "An idle mind is a devil's workshop". Children who are left alone to contend with too much free time invariably fall into the wrong company. Drug abuse, alcohol, tobacco and crime come knocking at their doors sooner rather than later. Parents enroll children to various after school programs to keep them occupied in a productive manner. This way, the kids are free to enjoy themselves in a supervised activity.
Crime is considered to be at its peak during the after school hours, between 3- 4 p.m. During such a time, children need protection. Getting the children together under one roof and encouraging them to participate in a group activity is protection enough. It diverts the children from ennui too.
Obesity is a matter of growing concern in this country. It is noticed that more and more children are becoming couch potatoes. After school, many of them relax on the sofa with packets of chips, cool drinks or chocolates while they watch T.V. 30 % of the kids below the age of 19 are considered overweight, and about 15% of these are obese. An after school program ensures that the child shakes off his lethargy and keeps himself busy. This also helps to reduce the child's fascination for T.V and computer games.
After school activities that promote social awareness develop the individual's sense of social responsibility. It is seen that these sorts of programs not only keep kids out of trouble, but also help to produce responsible citizens. To that extent, they are valuable building blocks in a child's personality.
Times are changing and parents want their children to excel in academics as well as in other activities. This may be a reflection of the parent's unfulfilled desire to excel - a remnant from his own childhood. Whatever the reason, parents today encourage their children to enroll themselves in various programs and develop the various facets of their individuality. Children too seem to be comfortable learning many things at the same time, and gain satisfaction from this.
This free article is provided by the FreeArticles.com Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.
Selasa, 17 November 2009
The Need For After School Activities
Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009
10 Secrets Of A Successful Homeschool
1. Have fun. Attitude is everything with home learning. Enjoy learning and your kids will enjoy it. Make it drudgery and they will respond as well. Try to make even boring tasks, pleasant at least. This is not to say that everything must be a 3-ring circus, but if you have a fresh, upbeat attitude even with times tables and spelling tests, this will reflect well on your children's enjoyment and learning potential.
2. Limit interruptions. My biggest interruption is the phone. Get a good answering machine and use it during regularly scheduled learning time. Or use voice mail. Record a message that states from this time to that time we are home educating and will get back to you after we are finished. Tell friends and relatives that this is the case, and eventually they will learn to respect this. This also means well meaning drop in visits and babysitting for friends, etc. Keep your children's learning time sacred and your family will benefit from this.
3. Dedicate your time to their learning. If you are doing 101 things while your children are trying to do bookwork, how can you expect them to concentrate and finish tasks at hand? Keep your focus on them, it is a priority that rewards!
4. Keep it simple. Be careful not to fall into the "Curriculum of the Month" club. Trying and swapping and changing your education plans with every new program that breezes by will kill your children's spirit. This is not to say that you should stay with something that is not working, just be careful not to flit about like a butterfly in a field of flowers. Your children will quickly learn that all it takes in a bit of whining and they'll have a new book, workbook or system in no time. Also, simplify your life. Too many commitments and outside activities and responsibilities can really wreck havoc with your schedule. Try to keep your life simple and you will be rewarded.
5. Have FAITH! In yourself, your kids and in God. If you are doing the best you can, you will be rewarded. How can you do any worse than an overworked, underpaid public school teacher with only 6 hours and 24 - 30 children to teach? Overcome your own shortcomings with help, tutoring assistance and your own re-education. Don't count yourself short. Children learn in any environment even the slums of Calcutta! Provide them with your time and enthusiasm, good basic materials and faith and you will do as well if not better than that poor teacher can. You have the best interest of your children in your heart. Let it work for them.
6. When in doubt READ! If the washing machine is flooding, the baby is sick, your toddler is fussy and lunch is burning don't just give up, get reading. Reading is the best way for your kids to learn and retain. Gather up the brood and snuggle on the couch with a good classic. Reading aloud is a wonderful activity for your family. Even experienced readers will love to hear a story aloud, especially when they don't have to sound out each word and get through those they may not know. There is a rhyme and rhythm to books read aloud that delights even little ones. Make it a drama performance, use voices change the sound levels of your voice, and discuss the plot. You can even tape record your story time so that pre-readers can listen again and again and enjoy the story while you worry about that washing machine!
7. Surround yourself with home school mentors. Whether it's an online group, or a support group, or just a great mom you met at church or at the library, keep in touch with these people! Ask questions; ask for helpful advice, most likely, they will be happy to help, because someone in their life helped them. Don't do this alone. Even a good home education magazine will help you in your quest. Read home education books when you are in need of a little boost.
8. Use the Library! What a wonderful resource most public libraries are. Not only books of any and every subject but reference books, video tapes, audio tapes, learning materials, computer accesses, computer software and so much more. With just a notebook and some pencils, I truly believe you could educate your children with just a library at hand! Don't spend a fortune on all these reference books for home. Use the libraries! And the librarians love homeschoolers
9. Take frequent break days. If you are sick, or some family obligations make a day difficult, take a day off. Instead of great big weeks off or even the whole summer, take frequent days off through the year to refresh and empower you. The children will be pleased and you will get a chance to regroup. Just make sure they aren't every other day!
10. Watch for outside time stealers! Field trips and social outings and classes for this and that are important, just make sure you are not overdoing it. Too many errands and outings can kill a day's learning and overwhelm your schedule. Remember that you are home schooling not car schooling! Try and schedule a day that is busy and three or four days that are not. Your family will appreciate this!
copyright © 2006 by Sherri L. Chekal
Sherri Chekal is the art director at Westvon Publishing. She is the editor of the popular www.TheParentTeacher.com and the www.TheHomeschoolShop.com websites, as well as offering her graphic talents to several bands through websites, promotion and writing skills. She plays with the Fulton County Bluegrass band in Ohio. She homeschools her two daughters and is quite the Renaissance woman of talents and skills. She is the art director for the bluegrass newspaper, www.TheBluegrassJournal.com
Homeschooling And The Family
According to the National Center For Education Statistics, almost 1.1 million children underwent homeschooling in 2005 alone. That's a lot of children. Once upon a time, homeschooling used to be a radical statement - something like a declaration of independence. It was the conservative Christians who advocated homeschooling in the '80s and legalized it in every State. But the typical homeschooler of the day is not religiously motivated.
Recent surveys indicate that parents are actually quite fed up of the public school systems where much of the learning is superficial and compulsory. They are also concerned about negative school environment ranging from drugs and abuse to negative peer pressure. As a result, we have a surprising mix of people who form the homeschooling world of today. They cut across all religious and regional borders. Their main aim is providing meaningful and productive learning through a method that strengthens the bond between the various members of the family.
All these families have one thing in common - a long enduring commitment to the sanctity of childhood. The children in these families are accorded a primary position. Many believe, and rightly so, that homeschooling allows parents to bring up children in a more natural and nurturing environment. Public schools can make one nervous, diffident and downright mean. Children who get schooled at home are protected from these damaging negative influences till they reach an age where they can handle it.
Homeschooling draws the whole family into the almost religious task of schooling. Everyone is put to work. The parents together form a bond with the children. Any experience can be turned into an educational experience. Both the parents are aware of exactly what is going into their child's head. Parents also have greater control on the kind of religious and moral values that the child imbibes. Even watching a movie together can become a learning experience. Trips to the libraries and other places become educational as well as recreational.
A homeschooling family is primarily dependent on the income of one earning member. That means that often spending has to be curtailed and proper planning of expenditure is a must. This helps to bring the family members together and everybody gets involved in the process of saving money.
Having a parent at home to supervise, to nurture and care for the children brings with it a lot of love and caring. Even your husband chips in and there just is no room for boredom. Yes, problems do crop up, and there are a lot of misgivings in your mind. But when you know that your kids can always count on you, and your kids know it too, then homeschooling becomes a richly rewarding experience.
This free article is provided by the FreeArticles.com Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.
Family Values: Are you sacrificing your family for your career?
Do you want to know what the worst feeling in the world is to a man or women who is working hard to create a better life for themselves? It is when we take a step back from our work and realize that what we consider to be the most important element in life, our family, is getting pushed down the list of important things and being ignored altogether. When this situation has been going on for a long time, virtually undetected, some family relationships get ripped at the seams.
I will never forget the night that this very same realization happened to me some years ago. I was spending days, even weeks, on the road working hard to close bigger and bigger accounts for my sales position. One night on the road I was in my motel and received a call from my wife. She was reminding me to be home early the next day to attend my daughter's big play at her local junior high school.
There was just one problem. The next day was my chance to close a huge deal that I was working on for months. I was sideswiped when my prospect called me back that very night, before I talked with my wife. The client wanted to meet and I was in his area by chance working on another deal.
I couldn't pass it up. It meant earning an extra thousand dollars per month if I got this sale and I felt that my family was just too important to pass it up. I'm getting to the worst part now, and that is that I lied to my wife and daughter on the phone when I said that I would be there. I already knew that my work was going to come first by signing up this big account, but I didn't have it in me to tell them over the phone. I knew that I was going to sign the deal, make a lot of money, miss my daughter's big day, and then make up an excuse why I was not there.
Now considering that I was already doing very well and considered pretty successful at the time, that night was a very low point in all areas of my life. I realized then and there that I was putting aside what matters to me the most, my family. And they were loosing faith in me, not expecting me anymore, not caring, breaking away...
The next morning I woke up and realized that I wouldn't have been able to live with myself had I gone through with the appointment and missed my daughter's special event. Money cannot replace love and family. I phoned my appointment and totally expected this man to hang up on me and find another company to do business with. However, I told him the truth. I explained that my family needed me and that I understand if he wants to do his business elsewhere with someone that is more reliable.
That was the day that I made the right decision to put my work aside and be there for my family, and risk loosing the “big account” that I was after. Needless to say the business man that I had to cancel on respected what I had to say, and he even rescheduled the meeting. One week later I successfully signed the deal. Moral of the story? Put your family first, work hard in between, and success in all areas of your life will follow.
This free article is provided by the FreeArticles.com Free Articles Directory for educational purposes ONLY! It cannot be reprinted or redistributed under any circumstances.
Rabu, 09 September 2009
Boring After School Activities
Why does Lisa grumble when it is time for her to go for her piano lessons? How come Johnny abhors the sight of his skates now? After all, these children were very enthusiastic about the programs when they started off. What happened? Parents are often confused by the disturbing and often incongruous signals they receive from their children. One day the kids are excited about the new theatre class and in just a few short weeks they wail and moan when it's time to go.
The first thing a family should do when a child begins resisting a previously loved activity is to listen and investigate. Do not jump into conclusions. A little bit of intelligent sleuthing is required. Ask your child what he or she does in the class. Find out what exactly is the cause of the problem. Then ask the teachers the same questions. Compare notes. You may stumble on some important clues. Usually, children start out on an activity thinking it's all fun. But when they realize that they cannot just hang out and that they need to follow rules etc, they begin to resist. Your child may feel stifled if the program is too structured. If the discipline is too rigorous or the activity too painful (like a karate class) some children balk. Use your own instincts. Does the program feel like fun? Would you want to attend it yourself? Are they offering enough motivation to keep the child interested?
The teacher-to-child ratio is also an important factor. Children need attention. If the number of teachers is just enough to handle a class, it is possible that your child is not receiving enough attention. State recommendations usually specify that there must be 1 teacher for 15 children.
Children try to avoid problems they cannot solve. If there are no perceivable problems with the class and the teachers, perhaps you need to have a chat with your child. If your judgment says that the place is good and the activity engaging enough, then it's time to work with your child. More often than not, social pressures may be at work here. Does your child have friends there? If she is lonely or miserable because of the lack of friends, help her find a friend. If she finds a friend, she will get more involved in the activities
If your best efforts do not pay off, and your child still resists that fantastic guitar classes, then it's time to let go. Shift your child to some other program. If he or she still retains interest in guitars, you can take it up after a few months. Never force the child, especially when it comes to extra-curricular activities. Since they are 'extra', they must bring in extra happiness and extra enthusiasm too.
Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009
Bluetooth Technology
Bluetooth Technology
What is Bluetooth?
Bluetooth technology is a type of the wireless technology that eliminates the need for the number of inconvenient cables and devices that are used to connect the computers, mobile phones, digital cameras, handheld devices and new digital appliances. Bluetooth enables the users to connect to a wide variety of telecommunication and computing devices easily, without cables.
It makes rapid ad hoc connections, automatic unconscious connections between two or more digital devices. Bluetooth provides the opportunity of using the mobile data in different applications. Bluetooth makes wireless communication between the two devices in a localized area of a room of office or home very easily. Bluetooth technology uses radio-based links and all the connections between the devices and invisible and instantaneous.
By Bluetooth technology your laptop can send print request to a printer in your next room. Bluetooth is actually a standard for wireless communication between the devices in a relatively small area and it is therefore works fine in the personal area network (PAN) using radio frequency.
Any two devices that follow the Bluetooth standard can communicate with each other. A number of the Bluetooth devices like digital camera, mobile phone and handheld pc can form a network. You can send emails to your mobile phones from your laptop without any physical connect between your laptop and your mobile phones.
Features of Bluetooth technology
• Bluetooth technology uses radio waves for communication in 2.4 GHz
• It supports multipoint communication not just point to point.
• Bluetooth works in a small area of 10-15 meters.
• Bluetooth offers speed of 1-2 Mbps.
• Bluetooth chipsets are less expensive though more expensive than IrDA.
How Bluetooth Technology Works
Bluetooth is a high speed wireless link technology that uses the radio waves. It is designed to connect the mobile phones, laptops, hand held devices and portable equipments with almost no work by the end users. Unlike infrared Bluetooth does not require line of sight between the connecting units. Bluetooth technology is a modified form of the current Wireless LAN technology and it’s more acceptable for its relative small size and low cost.
The current circuits are contained on a circuit board of 0.9 cm square and a much smaller single chip version is in development and soon it will be in use. The cost of the Bluetooth device is expected to fall rapidly. Bluetooth chip has to be equipped in many devices. In Bluetooth technology, small and inexpensive transceivers have been placed in the digital devices. The radio waves operate at 2.45 Ghz band on the Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth supports the data speed up to 721 Kbps and 3 voice channels. The Bluetooth chip can either be built into the devices or it can be uses as an adapter. In computer it can be used with the USB port. Each Bluetooth device has a 48 bit address from the IEEE 802 standards and the Bluetooth connections can be either point to point or multipoint. Bluetooth range is 10 meter but it can be extended up to 100 meters by increasing the power.
Bluetooth devices are protected from the external interference because they change their frequency up to 1600 times in a second. Bluetooth radio technology provides the bridge between the existing data network. Bluetooth guarantees security at the bit level and the authentication is controlled by the end user by using 128 bit key. An important face of the Bluetooth technology is that it instantly forms a network when two or more devices come closer in the range of each other.
Bluetooth Technology Benefits
Bluetooth technology is a convenient choice of communication in a wire free, short range environment. Bluetooth is a globally available standard for connecting the devices like mobile phones, digital cameras, laptops, MP3 Players, cars, stereo headsets etc. Bluetooth enable devices do not need to install any drivers. The key benefits of the Bluetooth wireless technology are its built-in-security, low cost, easy of use, robustness, and ad hoc networking capabilities.
The Bluetooth wireless technology is available globally. Many manufactures from the different companies are busy to implement the technology in their products. Bluetooth technology operates in the 2.4 Ghz, one of the unlicensed, industrial and scientific radio band. Bluetooth technology is a free of charge service but your mobile phones set should support the GSM and CDMA technology.
Today mobile phones have built in capabilities and Bluetooth functionalities in them. Bluetooth technology is available in the different range of the devices like mobile phones, automobiles, medical devices, industries and enterprises etc.
Due to the key features of the Bluetooth technology like low power consumption, low cost and wireless features make it more popular. Bluetooth technology does not require any fixed infrastructure and it is very simple to install and setup.
No wires are required to connect the Bluetooth devices. You can connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices anytime if they come in your range. Bluetooth wireless technology is widely supported and is secure wireless standard today. Bluetooth devices has built-in security features such as 128 bit encryption and pin code authentication when Bluetooth devices identify themselves they use the pin code when they first time connect.
Bushra Bashir
Bushra Bashir
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Bluetooth Technology
Negative effects of modern day technology
Since the industrial revolution, society has become more and more dependent on technology. So much so that we sometimes lack the willingness to think before we act. We become impatient if it takes more than a few seconds to download a copy of the morning news paper. We expect immediate responses to our email, and we expect someone to answer their cell phone whenever and wherever we call. “Industrialization resulted in rapid and sustained economic growth and a massive increase in consumer goods. But at the same time, for many people it meant a thoroughly unpleasant work environment.”1
People in today’s society are always looking for ways to improve their lifestyles and in some way help deal with their physical environment. Agriculture; Farming and cattle herding led to the growth of large, settled human populations and increasing competition for productive lands, touching off organized warfare. The need for transportation brought vehicles into the market. The need for employees brought mechanical robots into society. Battles over land brought on the need for sophisticated weapons. The agricultural system brought on a revolution.
The invention of the television has brought all forms of entertainment into our houses with video and audio combined. Before 1950, newspapers and radio were the only ways to bring media or entertainment into the house. Mass production and other job opportunities brought many people from the rural areas and farms into the city. Society is more reliant on technology than ever before. While technologies have their advantages there is a negative effect to all this technology as well. Technology can actually harm society rather then help it. Competition between companies or even cities can sometimes make our lives for even worse. When a city builds more roads to attract tourists, the result is more traffic, not less. Even things we take for granted such as the automobile have negative effect on us. Because the automobiles cause pollution and that can surely harm us slowly.
Technology is making us so bust that we can cant even find time to spend with our closed one’s.it would be surprising to know that people are in contact through chat and online messaging though they are in same city .because they think its more faster and effective but they are forgetting that meeting personaly can never replace online chatting.
Before the advent of television and internet, people had ways of having fun together every day .many of these primitive methods of fun have almost disappeared in the morden world .people used to actually talk with each other ,they would play games with each other but now they play games with computer giving no reaction at all making people drift away from one other.
In many ways modern technology had the opposite effect of making us worker harder and faster just to stay in the same place.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Negative effects of modern day technology
Kamis, 30 Juli 2009
Real Estate Education
Real estate education according to it very basic description refers to education about real estate. Indeed, there are many things to learn about in real estate. In many developed countries, real estate education is a highly developed field. There are entire institutes that are developed for this profession. Also, there are many regulations that apply to this field. Therefore, it can be said that there are two branches of learning that essentially apply to real estate education; one is the legal face of real estate, and the other include the technical aspect.
The technical aspects of real estate education are many. There are indeed many things to learn about in this field. This is because of the specialization brought to this field. Indeed, the real estate field has become increasingly specialized for more than one reason. Not only has it been refined because of technological advancement, but also because of the importance that is now given to customer service. Like many other fields, customer service has affected the real estate field. A great many real estate deals often depend on customer service, and this is why a lot of attention is now being paid to it.
Whenever real estate business have new ideas to implement, customer service is always given due consideration. In real estate education, students are taught about paying attention to the importance of customers whenever they come up with an idea.
Apart from real estate education involving awareness development for customer service, there is a myriad of other important aspects. These aspects include ideas like market demand, which in itself includes aspects like convenience in a locality.
Most real estate education centers will teach you about the ‘convenience’ factor. This convenience refers to how close a residence may be to shopping centers, hospitals, schools, etc. http://education.ixs.net People are most likely to select homes that allow them to reach such important places at their convenience and in the shortest possible time. Some of these places need to be reached on a daily basis. For examples, children need to attend schools at least 5 times a week. Families are more likely to purchase or rent homes that can facilitate them in this way.
Real estate education also teaches students about the cost factor as well. The cost of a home is most likely to correspond with the type of locality it is in. This is because homes that are considered to be in convenient locations are high in demand. This demand factor is what pushes the value of homes higher. However, there is a limit placed on how much a home may cost in most developed countries. This is where the legal aspects come into action.
The legal aspects in real estate education allow a student to learn about various important issues. Some of these issues include the costs of homes. They may also include learning about the formal paperwork for homes, which is a very important process in real estate business.
Indeed, the legal side of real estate education is quite extensive, and this side influences a great deal of a real estate agent’s business. In a real estate agent’s daily dealings, legal aspects apply. Therefore, the importance of it cannot be emphasized more.
Real estate education, as we have briefly seen above, is an interesting field. It allows students to learn about the entire industrial setup of the real estate industry. This includes the technical aspects as well as the legal aspects.
Real estate education is now a specialized field, and it is becoming focused as time progresses. While technological advancement has played a role in this, so has customer service awareness has had a tremendous impact. Therefore, a lot of the specialization that a student learns about in real estate education is influenced by customer service awareness.
There are many real estate education centers available to students who want to learn about this field and make their careers in it. These centers provide complete training and short courses that prepare individuals to act efficiently in this field. There are also online courses available for those who do not have the time to physically attend classes. All teaching materials and instructions are supplied online. While one may think that this is not a feasible way to learn, it is actually a way of learning that is growing more and more popular. Hence, real estate education can also be availed online too.
For more information about Real Estate Education Visit: http://education.ixs.net/content/Real-Estate-Education.php
Careers In Education
Jobs within education are often seen as rewarding and extremely satisfying. They require huge amounts of dedication and are laborious in nature but offer the chance nourish talent and knowledge. The old adage of "those who can't, teach" could not be further from the truth, we all remember a good teacher and someone who was capable of relating ideas effectively. The sector also has a variety of roles and finding the right one to suit you is certainly possible.
With education today extending from infancy to adulthood the jobs in this area are extremely diverse. Teaching can take the form of traditional school education, home tutoring and higher education. It is my hope to present jobs within these definitions and give a glimpse of the experiences you can expect in this wide sector.
Tackling the subject of education jobs chronologically, it is best to start at the primary school level. Teachers in primary schools have a wide variety of tasks. At the heart of the job is the ability to foster relationships with pupils and create a fun but productive learning environment.
By directing classroom tasks and activities it is the primary teacher's job to ensure that youngsters start their education in the right way, effective use of teaching aids and projects can convince pupils to enjoy education. This is fundamental to easing children through the education system that they will be in for the next eleven years.
Secondary education has a different role altogether and the job requires specific expertise in an academic subject. Unlike primary school teachers who must possess knowledge of the entire curriculum, secondary teachers are afforded the luxury of having a defined subject to teach; although today often one or two areas of expertise are required.
Always working to a set of generic national standards, teaching secondary education does allow the freedom to construct lesson plans and teaching methods that can be individual. The heavy workload of examinations for older pupils however does mean there is an element of pressure in these jobs, although the pleasure of seeing pupils receive good results due to your teaching is very rewarding.
Higher education jobs offer the most academic freedom by far, without losing the job satisfaction. Lecturers primarily teach through seminars, practical exercises and lectures and despite having set standards, the choice of content for modules is that of the lecturer.
The freedom to teach a chosen subject and set interesting questions for your students can be more work than following a curriculum although ultimately more rewarding. University lecturers also have the opportunity for research sabbatical and are free to further their academic studies, perfect for the scholarly types who make up the numbers of university professors.
Other education jobs include home tutors, who can be either specialist or more general. Often well paid, this role includes travelling to clients homes and instructing students on a one to one basis. Without the rigours of school life this can be preferable however anti-social hours are usually part of the job.
Special education teaching jobs are a worthy alternative well suited to people who can communicate effectively, as the job can be frustrating at times, it is infinitely rewarding when a breakthrough is made.
Education jobs are clearly some of the most rewarding jobs in the employment market. The ability to nurture a gift and bring out the best in pupils is a rare skill, possessing this skill is reason alone to teach. Teachers have access to children during the forming stages of their lives, as a teacher you have the ability to create articulate, educated young adults ready to enter the world.
Like parenthood it is a job full of pride and considered by many to be a vocation. For those who wish to undertake jobs in education the rewards are infinite, despite the workload, a career in education is well worthwhile.
Recruitment expert Shaun Parker helped many applicants to find education jobs in schools and colleges. To find out more please visit Need a Job
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Careers In Education
Minggu, 12 Juli 2009
By Sri Aurobindo
1. Complete self control not only to the extent of not showing any anger, but remaining absolutely quiet and undisturbed under all circumstances.
2. Above all, must have the knowledge that the Teacher himself must always progress if he wants his students to progress, must not remain satisfied either with what he is or with what he knows.
3. Must not have any sense of essential superiority over his students, nor preference or attachment whatsoever for one or another.
4. Must know that all are equal spiritually and instead of mere tolerance must have a global comprehension or understanding.
5. Should always be punctual and come to the class a few minutes before it begins.
6. Always properly dressed.
7. Know thoroughly what you have to teach. Try to get a good understanding of your students and their particular needs.
8. Be very calm and very patient; never get angry; one must be master of oneself in order to be a master of others.
9. Children must be educated in an atmosphere of love and gentleness. No violence, never. No scolding, never.Teacher must be the living example of the virtues the child must acquire.
10. Teacher must be their best friend who gives them the example of the qualities they must acquire.
11. It is absolutely forbidden to hit the children-all blows are forbidden, even the slightest little slap or the so called friendly punch. Blowing a child indicates a lack of self control and it is harmful for both teacher and student.
12. Disciplinary measures may be taken if necessary, but in complete calm and not because of a personal reaction.
13. Never demand from a child an effort of discipline that you do not make yourself .Calm, equanimity, order, method, absence of useless words, ought to be constantly practiced by the teacher if he wants to instill them into his pupils.
Compiled by Harekrushna Behera
Raebareli, UP
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - A SUCCESSFUL TEACHER
Can children learn to meditate?
As meditation becomes more and more popular among adults, teaching meditation to children is being promoted as a way to create centeredness and focus at a tender age. Yet many teachers and parents recognize the difficulty of a young child to silence the mind and sit still. As a result, a variety of "children's meditations" are being invented that often use imagination, focusing on the breath or trying to find stillness within. Unwittingly, these practices have been introduced to children without any track record of success and little if any scientific research on the effects they may have on a child's brain and development.
Some parents may wonder: should children be taught to discipline their minds or channel their imagination for specific purposes? At what age is it appropriate for my child to meditate? What kind of practice is safe and effective for children? Is there any tradition, precedence or scholarly authority behind the practice of children's meditation? Is meditation something I can teach my child, or do along with them? The ancient, venerated Vedic Tradition of meditation prescribes different practices at specific stages of development in the child's life. Because very young children are still integrating their inner world with the outer world around them, they may find it difficult to practice a meditation that requires them to sit still or inhibits their natural inclination to know and discover. Attempts to settle a child through directing their attention to breathing or trying to create inner silence may instead cause strain and frustration for the exuberant, growing child.
One technique of meditation that has been successfully introduced to many middle and high schools throughout America and around the world is the Transcendental Meditation technique. Based on the broad spectrum of scientific research on the effectiveness of the TM technique for students, [1] educators have felt confident that the Transcendental Meditation program is a safe and reliable practice to help children cope with stress and improve learning ability [2] and behavior [3]. Over 140,000 school children around the world have learned the TM technique in the past three years.
Science has looked at what happens in a the brain during the practice of the TM technique. Findings indicate a healthy development of coherence and balance between all parts of the brain, with increased activation of the pre-frontal cortex [4], the part of the brain responsible for discrimination and higher reasoning. Notably, this type of holistic brain functioning is not found while a child is studying, playing, watching TV, or listening to music; nor does this balanced, holistic brain functioning come about through other types of meditation exercises, such as minding the breath, visualizing, or directing the imagination. All such activities activate specific areas of the brain. Only the meditative state associated with 'transcending' during TM practice has been found to activate the entire brain in this holistic way.
Practice of the TM technique not only stimulates brain development and learning ability in children, but also provides natural relief from stress, anxiety, [5] depression [6] and fatigue. “One of the best-documented ways to address anxiety in children is to teach them to deeply relax themselves. Children and adolescents often encounter stress at home and at school” says Dr. William Stixrud, clinical neuropsychologist and faculty at the Children’s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.. “If you can effectively treat a child's anxiety problems, you significantly decrease the likelihood that they’re going to develop depression, or addictive behaviors, or other kinds of mental health problems. Transcendental Meditation becomes a very important tool, not only in the treatment of children with anxiety problems, but also in the prevention of anxiety disorders.”
Reducing stress [7] and increasing inner happiness increases flexibility, social abilities and self esteem. Children who find approval from within rather than needing it from the outside, are less influenced by peer pressure. Cultivating the practice of meditation can become a valuable tool that a child uses as he matures, preparing him to meet the stresses and challenges of adulthood.
What is the appropriate time in a child's development to sit and practice eyes-closed meditation? According to the tradition of the Transcendental Meditation program—the Vedic Tradition—no sooner than ten years of age. Starting with just a few minutes morning and afternoon, children ten and older find the practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique easy to master because it doesn't require focus, concentration or that they sit still. Even children with ADHD are able to practice this meditation successfully [8].
What about children under ten? A special practice appropriate for the developmental stage of early childhood it is the Maharishi Word of Wisdom technique. This eyes-open meditation can be learned by children starting at ages three to four.This practice strengthens the mind and stabilizes the emotions of the young child. The children's TM technique is practiced a few minutes each day with eyes open, while the child is quietly engaged in easy, natural activities such as walking or coloring. The children’s technique has been found to promote balance in mind and body and integrate the child's nervous system. [9] The child grows in stability in relation to the outer world and does not become introverted or withdrawn by attempting many such meditative practices that would be unatural for them.
Children benefit most from meditation when their parents are also meditating. A family that meditates together typically finds that their home life grows more harmonious and blissful. There's more time for nourishing interactions when stress is released during meditation instead of outbursts and arguments.
So what will it be for your children, zoning out in front of the TV, or a few minutes of daily meditation?
1. Broader comprehension and improved ability to focus Perceptual and Motor Skills (39: 1031–1034, 1974) Increased calmness Physiology & Behavior (35: 591–595, 1985) Improved Academic Performance. Education 107 (1986): 49–54; Education 109 (1989): 302–304; Modern Journal of Social Behavior and Personality 17 (2005): 65–91.
2. Nidich S.I., et al. School effectiveness: Achievement gains at the Maharishi School of the Age of Enlightenment. Education 107: 49-54, 1986. Fergusson L.C. Field Independence and art achievement in meditating and nonmeditating college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills 75: 1171-1175, 1992.
3. Barnes V.A., et al. Impact of stress reduction on negative school behavior in adolescents. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 1:10, 2003.
4. Increased EEG Coherence during Transcendental Meditation. International Journal of Neuroscience 14: 147–151, 1981.
5. Dillbeck M.C. The effect of the Transcendental Meditation technique on anxiety level. Journal of Clinical Psychology 33: 1076-1078, 1977.
6. Decreased depression and Transcendental Meditation Journal of Counseling and Development (64: 212–215, 1985)
7. Barnes V. A., et al. Impact of Transcendental Meditation on cardiovascular function at rest and during acute stress in adolescents with high normal blood pressure. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 51, 597-605, 2001.
8. Use of the Transcendental Meditation technique to reduce symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by reducing stress and anxiety. Current Issues in Education: Volumn 10, 2008. 9. Alexander C.N., et al. Effect of Practice of The Children’s Transcendental Meditation Technique on Cognitive Stage Development: Acquisition And Consolidation of Conservation, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 17, 21-46, 2005.
Jeanne Ball earned a Ph.D from Maharishi European Research University and has over 35 years of experience in teaching Transcendental Meditation to children and adults of all ages and backgrounds, specializing in ADHD, ADD, addiction recovery, anxiety, depression, hypertension and other stress related disorders. The David
Lynch Foundation., Doctors
on Meditation, TM.org
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Can children learn to meditate?
Math and Chess workbooks help child diagnosed with ADHD, ADD or dyslexia
Math and Chess workbooks help child diagnosed with ADHD, ADD or dyslexia
Frank Ho
Founder of Ho Math and Chess
Chess has been known to be an useful tool in raising math marks and problem-solving skills.
At Ho Math and Chess, we have created a very unique and scientific proven teaching method that is to teach math and chess at the same time by using a truly math and chess integrated workbooks.
This set of workbooks is to raise children's math ability by taking the boredom out of doing repetitive math drills and also foster a fun yet educational environment. Children learn best while having fun. This is an incredible chess workbook for children.
Our own anecdotal evidence suggests that our unique math and chess integrated workbooks can be an effective teaching method in helping child diagnosed with ADHD or ADD or child with learning difficulties such as dyslexia. The results are most significant when the child is placed in an education environment of one-on-one tutoring.
Many findings have supported that pupils who find it hard to maintain concentration on a single activity are able to improve this focus on playing chess.
Ho Math and Chess has invented a series of workbooks which truly combines math and chess and a child can learn math using chess knowledge on a variety of puzzle-like problems. These type of problems includes visual image (not just pure numbers), chess symbols, abstract chess values and chess directions and all these are stimuli to kids and keep their interests high while working on computational problems. This also gives children ample opportunities to think visually. Most of the time, the computational questions themselves are not written for children to work on immediately but for children to "create" themselves and these questions have to be actually "hunted" by following directions and chidren love the hunt (puzzles).
Ho Math and Chess workbooks magically keep children's attention span longer than a typical math workbook could. Children become more engaged and focused when working on math and chess integrated workbooks than on traditional computation workbooks.
By providing math and chess truly integrated workbooks, Ho Math and Chess allows children playing chess while working on math in a fun and also educational setting. The end results are children get to strengthen their working memory and improve their problem solving ability. Doing something children like, they are able to concentrate and improve their ability to focus and allow themselves to immerse in the activity longer.
Ho Math and Chess truly integrated workbooks may be just one of the very effective teaching model for a child with problems of ADHD, ADD, or dyslexia.
Amanda is a very experienced math teacher with B.Sc degree. Her specialty is in teaching math and chess integrated teaching as well as the integrated teaching of science and math.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Math and Chess workbooks help child diagnosed with ADHD, ADD or dyslexia
What is ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Is ADHD?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is also known as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder (ADD). ADHD is a common condition that affects both children and adults.
Children with ADHD generally have problems paying attention or concentrating. They can't seem to follow directions and are easily bored or frustrated with tasks. They also tend to move constantly and are impulsive, not stopping to think before they act. These behaviors are generally common in children. But they occur more often than usual and are more severe in a child with ADHD.
The behaviors that are common with ADHD interfere with a child's ability to function at school and at home
What are ADHD symptoms in children?
Symptoms of ADHD in children are generally grouped into three categories: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
Inattention -- A child with ADHD:
is easily distracted
does not follow directions or finish tasks
does not appear to be listening when someone is speaking
does not pay attention and makes careless mistakes
is forgetful about daily activities
has problems organizing daily tasks
avoids or dislikes activities that require sitting still or a sustained effort
often loses things, including personal items
has a tendency to daydream
Hyperactivity -- A child with ADHD:
often squirms, fidgets, or bounces when sitting
does not stay seated as expected
has difficulty playing quietly
is always moving, such as running or climbing on things (In teens and adults, this is more commonly described as a sense of restlessness)
talks excessively
Impulsivity -- A child with ADHD:
has difficulty waiting for his or her turn
blurts out answers before the question has been completed
often interrupts others
Whether or not your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, there are a number of ways you can help to manage their behaviors:
Understand the symptoms of ADHD to try to avoid punishing your child for having ADHD. Predetermine how you will react in situations to avoid overreacting and then dismissing a punishment. Be as consistent as possible.
When giving directions or instructions, keep them simple. Keep them to one instruction at a possible and give directions in one sentence. Children with ADHD are often forgetful. Rather than becoming frustrated, let your child complete one part of the instruction at a time, then give another.
Keep eye contact with your child. If necessary, gently hold their chin so that they are looking at you when you speak. Children tend to listen more closely when they are looking at you as you speak.
Structure your day as much as possible. Keep nap times, meal times and dinner times at the same time each day. Having the day predictable for the child will help them cope better. Let them know any disruptions that may happen and what to expect. Let them know what you expect of the
them plenty of time to release energy. Set up times during the day for them to run or release energy. Make daily trips to the playground or play outside. If stuck in the house, use a radio or CD and have them dance.
Choose toys carefully. Children with ADHD can be emotionally immature. Allow toys that will benefit them developmentally and also provide toys to stretch their intelligence. (Children with ADHD do not have a lower intelligence level.)
Integrate learning techniques. Use as many as the senses as possible when teaching a new skill. If you are teaching your child colors find items they can touch, eat, or smell. Have them draw with crayons. Having learning become interactive will help them learn more quickly.
Create an environment to help them succeed. Accept they may be accident prone and put away items you don’t want broken. Use simple organizational structures they can use to put away toys. Use pictures on drawers to help them know what is inside.
Choose behavioral management techniques that are immediate. A child will have a hard time relating a consequence to an action if they do not happen simultaneously. Make rewards immediate as well. Give praise often when your child behaves correctly.
difficult for your child. If they will need to sit for extended periods, bring along small activities, drinks and snacks to keep them occupied. If you are going to be in a high stimulus area, be prepared to remove your child for a few minutes to help them calm down and then return to the activity.
For things your child must remember, use rhymes or songs. Have them help you make up the rhymes and songs to make this even more successful. (This works well for learning to spell their name or remember their phone number.)
Find what your child does well. If they are creative (and many children with ADHD are) supply items that will encourage their talents.
Be consistent. Consistency is the most important part of behavioral management when working with children with ADHD. The more consistent you are, the more they will know exactly what to expect and be able to follow your rules.
The author continues to shed light on this over diagnosed problem.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - What is ADHD
Home Schooling and Tutoring: Do They Mix?
If you're thinking of homeschooling your child, or have already been doing it for years, you're to be applauded. You are taking on a role that many will not or cannot handle. However, even the parents who are fully prepared for all home schooling requires may not know everything. In other words, you might need help from time to time.
It probably seems a bit strange to think about bringing in tutoring assistance when you're the teacher, but it's not uncommon. So let's take a closer look at why you might need tutoring, and where you can find some great resources.
The Basics of Homeschooling
There are a number of reasons that you might feel it's best to pull your child out of school and teach at home, or begin your child in a homeschooling environment. You may be displeased with the both the increased regulations and slashed budgets of your local public school system and feel your child will not receive the appropriate education as a result. You also may feel that it's extremely important that your child receive daily one-on-one instruction, which is difficult in a school setting.
Whatever your reason is for homeschooling, you are making a decision to take on quite a job. You will be solely responsible for the academic well being of your child. However, it's good to know that there are tons of resources and elaborate lesson plans available to help you teach specific subjects. Also, you can find great books and resources in the library, which can help you cut back on personal costs.
Why You Might Need the Assistance of a Tutor
As previously mentioned, the job of homeschooling your child is a big one. This is especially true when you consider that your child will likely have strengths and weaknesses pertaining to certain subjects. If you're not equipped to dig deeper with your child to help him understand the subject then you may need to bring in additional help to deliver the message more effectively.
Tutors are usually equipped to handle specific subjects and have a wealth of knowledge and resources in one area. So while the tutor is helping your child, you can gain more knowledge in this particular area as well. The more help you're willing to bring in for your child, the better chance your child has of excelling as you hoped he would.
Online Tutoring Resources
When you think of working with a tutor, you probably automatically picture a person coming to your home to do their job. However, there are tons of additional resources available - particularly online - that can help you fulfill your role as a teacher more successfully.
For instance, there are online tutoring sites that allow you to work with tutors one-on-one, via chatting capabilities, from the comfort of your home. What's great about most online tutoring services is that you can schedule appointments 24/7. Also, you can download worksheets and take advantage of practice problems right over the Internet.
If you were unsure whether home schooling and tutoring mixed, now you know that they do. It's just a matter of finding the right tutoring environment for your child based on your schedule and your child's needs. Once the right formula is found, your child can have the success you've always desired.
TutorsAnywhere.com is a complete online resource that compares tutoring services and products offered by top online companies. If you need to find a tutor for your child, find the best solution for your family at http://www.tutorsanywhere.com/.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Home Schooling and Tutoring: Do They Mix?
Degree in Fire Science - The Quick appraisals at the workplace
There are few good fire science degree programs available at the fire science schools, which are accredited and sponsored by authorities. For those people, who are currently providing their services in this industry, there is an online fire science degree available to upgrade their skills. The degrees are not conferred to the candidates without knowledge but there are fire science classes that are held online. It certainly gives the potential graduates an ease and flexibility to pursue the degree as per their convenience.
The education and training in fire science is for the benefit of the public, and hence, has a low tuition fee. Be it studying the analytical approach to fire protection or application of fire research, each subject evolves personnel into thorough fire professional. The whole curriculum has been devised to meet the modern world challenges related to prevention and cure of inferno. And when we talk about modern day fire science, it comprises of subjects like fire investigation and analysis, Political and Legal Foundations for Fire Protection, and Managerial Issues in Hazardous Materials. Such subjects develop an understanding of the cause and effect relationship of fire.
The colleges with fire science degrees often organize contact sessions for the student professionals. The presence of well learned faculty members at the fire science college has become extremely important for the clarity of subjects. It is not about giving simple drills related to fire extinguishing but it is altogether the integration in one’s approach towards fire prevention, organization and management. Not everyday you come across fires but when you do, it has to be dealt with precise knowledge to control the disaster.
The Fire Science has emerged as a lucrative discipline ever since the mankind has valued the disaster control activities. But then, there has to be firm knowledge applied to fight and control displeasing situations. In this regard, a Degree in Fire Science has become an inevitable qualification to serve this industry. The fire science training tells you a lot about the measures that help you prevent a premises or an object from conflagration.
The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for Fire Science Bachelors
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Degree in Fire Science - The Quick appraisals at the workplace
Stress Management: Change the Labels
From a very young age we are taught to label our experiences as either good or bad. If a situation made us feel stressed we labelled it as bad. If it made us feel happy and cheerful we labelled it as good. This article focuses on one important stress management tool that of being mindful of the label we place on people and situations.
Labelling our experiences as either good or bad sets up a mindset of polarity thinking. This means that we think in opposites: black and white; right and wrong; happy or sad; positive and negative. The problem with this kind of thinking is that it only gives us two choices in which to think about a situation. It’s either one or the other. There is no grey and because we so often default to thinking negatively the chances are we will, more often than not, choose the bad label. In doing so, we sabotage our stress management ability.
We never really know when something is a good thing or a bad thing. Can you know for certain which of your experiences will be good or bad upfront? How often have you labelled an experience as bad and it turned out to be favourable in the end?
We rarely know how things will turn out and by preemptively labelling something we take the risk of either becoming stressed for no reason or being disappointed down the track. Our stress management takes another knock.
When you label something as bad, your focus and attention is directed to all the negative aspects of the situation and your outlook becomes bleak. The same goes for your emotions and the creation of stress. The irony of labelling something as bad is that you may cause the outcome of the situation to be negative by focusing your attention on creating that scenario. If you take a more unbiased view of your situation by refusing to label it you become objective and reduce the possibility of derailing your stress management opportunity.
To help ensure that your stress management is on the right track you need to change the labels you give your experiences. Stay away from labelling things as good or bad and try using different terminology, such as interesting, unique challenging, exciting, different, transforming, etc.
Putting your stress management technique it into practise
Take a moment to think about a situation you’re in right now that is causing you to feel stressed.
Step 1: Check to see if you have placed any labels on it. Are you calling the situation bad, stressful, hopeless, irritating, depressing, frustrating, etc?
Step 2: Once you have identified the label recognise that it is responsible for the way you are feeling.
Step 3: Change the label. Think of terminology you can use to describe the situation in a more positive way. Choose the label that best describes the way you would like to feel about the situation.
Step 4: Talk about the situation using the new label.
Step 5: Check your levels of stress.
What a wonderful way of looking at the world and what a powerful technique that will enhance your stress management success.
David Nalin
InnerCents specialised in stress management, leadership training and executive coaching.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Stress Management: Change the Labels
Rabu, 24 Juni 2009
2012 - Sun Storms and Cosmic Radiation
This finding started immediate worldwide speculation about a forthcoming polar reversal. In an instant, modern science lined up with the predictions of scientists of a far-distant past. This cannot be a coincidence! Thousands of years ago, priests were able to calculate that the magnetic field of the Earth would collapse at the end of 2012, at the zenith of the catastrophe. And now, eons later in time, one person comes up with an identical idea. Only the present scientists still do not realize what the consequences will be: they think that electronic equipment will experience some problems, that the migration of many animals will be disturbed, and that there might be a problem with radiation. They do not expect much more than that. But this is diametrically opposed to what the Maya and the Old Egyptians predicted.
In the books from Patrick Geryl, he has clearly described the disastrous effects of a pole shift. However, he hardly dealt with one issue: radioactive radiation and wondered worriedly what effect this will have on the Earth? Are people and animals able to handle this? And what can we do to guard ourselves against it?
Given his knowledge of astronomy, he got quickly clear answers. It is known that particles coming from the stars and our sun collide with the magnetic field of the Earth. Highly charged, energetic cosmic particles are hardly hindered by the magnetic field—they just pass through it, and it doesn't matter whether their charge is neutral, positive or negative. However, in the Earth's atmosphere they collide with oxygen and nitrogen molecules, which render them less harmful. Low energy cosmic radiation is normally deflected to the poles. When the magnetic field is pressurized and disappears, you will not have this tunnel effect anymore and the particles will fall randomly on Earth. The effect of this is small and does not imply a threat for plants, animals or humans. Therefore, at first he thought we would not have much to fear from harmful radiation. Then he started to study the situation a bit more carefully; it appeared he had somehow underestimated the consequences. A first deduction was not so difficult to make.
Ultraviolet Radiation
Everybody knows that you can get severely burnt while in high mountains and that you need to protect yourself well against the solar radiation. The higher you are, the more intense the radiation is. No doubt about that. You only have to ask mountain climbers who use protection factors of twenty or more. Close to the fatal date, a lot of us who plan to survive will be at an altitude of three kilometers (9000 feet) or more. Under normal circumstances there would be no problem. However, at the peak of the catastrophe, the light intensity of the sun will increase tremendously. An all-scorching light will be sent in the direction of the Earth. The intensity of ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the degradation of the ozone layer, will rise quite spectacularly. You can guess the consequences: you will risk burning unprotected skin, making it as black as carbon in this radiation inferno.
Just one solution will remedy the situation: wear protective clothing that stops the ultraviolet radiation as much as possible. It is the only way to prevent fatal burns. This is an essential part of the planning. Those who take their chances with boats will have fewer effects from the radiation, because the atmosphere absorbs a lot. Although they will be subjected to a minimal amount of the exposure compared to those in the high mountains, they still need to be careful. Direct exposure to the solar radiation for a short time is possible, but surely not for too long. However, the others in the high mountains will have to be extremely careful. They will have to protect themselves to the utmost against radiation. In most cases, wearing a good sunscreen, thick clothes and a hat will be sufficient to protect them.
Well, this was good reasoning, but in the meantime his thoughts went on. What else could be of importance? What other surprises does the sun have in store for us? Could it be worse?
Read more in Patrick Geryl's book "How to survive 2012" at http://store.2012pro.com.
Parenting in islam
Parenting in Islam
Newborn Child in Islam
The importance of writing about this topic springs from the importance of these manners which can be summarized in the following points:
* All of the manners for welcoming the new-born are taken from the guidance given by the chosen Messenger Muhammad (SAW) in his Sunnah, so applying them with one's children is a form of worship which draws one nearer to Allah - the Most High - and is a revival of the Sunnah in this matter.
* Greeting the new-born with these rites at the start of their lives is an outward sign distinguishing the children of this Ummah from the children of other nations in their upbringing, and their behavior, just as it gives the sense of dignity of attachment to this Deen, and it gives them a distinguishing character from the first moments of their lives.
Allah says in the Quran in Soorat al-Baqarah, Aayah:138 , the meaning of which is:
"Our 'Sibghah' (religion) is] the 'Sibghah' (religion) of Allah (Islam) and which 'Sigbhah' (religion) can be better than Allah's. And we are His worshippers." [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]
* These manners have their effect upon the child's education and development and his correct development is closely tied to this, and what can be greater for the father than seeing that his son is honest and good, and is developing righteously - this will indeed be a great pleasure for him.
* That welcoming the new-born with these manners by the parents is a fulfillment of part of their duty towards the child, and of their good treatment of it - which will also lead if Allah wills to the child in turn treating its parents well, since as is said: "Treat your children well and your children will treat you well".
* These manners of welcoming the new-born which are to be quoted are by a large number of points of wisdom and benefit derived the Sharee'ah, social life, the field of education and nature, which will be of benefit to the child, its parents and to their society in and the future. This will become clearer when the topic is entered into large number of errors that people fall into in these matters due either to negligence or lack of knowledge.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - parenting in islam
Secrets of Success - Live Out Your Dreams
We all have dreams that at one time in our lives, we really believed that we could somehow achieve or accomplish. Over the years, the monotony of our daily routines, the struggles that we go through, and everything else can kind of detach us from manifesting desires and keep us from really experiencing the level of success that we were meant to have. Could there be a secret of success that you NEED to know?
Well, for one, you have to be able to get yourself back in touch with those dreams and not only that, but back into believing that all things are possible. The more that you can feel and think in this way, the harder it will be to shake the feeling and the desire to really make it happen for yourself.
When you can feel a certain level of inspiration and motivation, you are almost compelled to go after the things that you desire no matter what. When you can do this, you are almost guaranteed to experience success in some way or another. Succeeding is not always about talent, it is also about the levels of desire, motivation, and inspiration that you can tap into as well.
Sometimes we think that success secrets are something that are out of reach for most people. That somehow only a select group of people are really privileged to this kind of information. But, having the right amount of inspiration, motivation, and desire can push you forward into the life that you dream about.
Would you like to learn more?
Go to:
Attraction Secrets
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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Secrets of Success - Live Out Your Dreams
Selasa, 16 Juni 2009
Importance of the Sun
The Sun is the main source of energy for earth. It gives us heat and light and helps us to remove darkness and bring light all around the world. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In olden days people use to worship Sun as God because it was the only visible powerful thing. In the early morning, birds welcome the Sun with a lovely and chirping song and this gives an indication to the mankind about the arrival of the new day. In the early morning, the sunrays helps us by providing Vitamin D which is essential for our skin. Some people are seen basking in the sunshine to get useful Vitamin D and get tanned as well.
The Sun helps the plants in preparing their food through its light by a process called as photosynthesis. Thus, Sun is also essential for plant because if there were no Sun, plants would not have been able to prepare their food and survive. Human beings get their food from plants and so in the absence of the sunlight human also would have died. In this modern world conventional sources of energy like coal, petrol, diesel and gas are being used extensively and so their stock are getting reduced. Scientists are worried that with this speed, these conventional sources of energy will be fully exhausted and so they are trying to harness the Sun by using its energy for solar batteries, solar heaters, and for running cars as well.
Sunlight also helps to stop the growth of bacteria, insects and thus prevent the spread of diseases like malaria, typhoid, etc. If there were no sun there would have been severe cold all around and no human beings, birds, and animals and plant could have survived. The Sun is the centre of solar system and all the nine planets revolve around its fixed orbit. During a solar eclipse, the Sun, Earth and Moon come in a straight line such that moon lies in between the Earth and the Sun. We should not see the Sun with our naked eyes because the rays emerging out are harmful for our eyes. The ozone layer above the atmosphere prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays from entering into the earth's atmosphere and thus protect the mankind from the harmful rays of the Sun.
The author likes to write text messages and advises for internet and social networking content like twitter backgrounds and myspace graphics. He also writes quizzes on subjects like career, personality, etc.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Importance of the Sun
Quran and Science of Meterology
Quran Treats the phenonomenon of Rain and Hail
Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel
The Quran has claimed not once but twice in most explicit terms to contain all knowledge that concerned humanity. And has challenged the world to bring a chapter like it, when I was asked that Quran was not the book of science, it was only the book of religion. How therefore, the treatment of the subjects like atomic science, the atomic bombs and atomic radiations could be expected in a book of religion. My answer to this was and is that the Quran is a book of a religion indeed, but it is the book of a religion that is perfect and complete and may be expected to provide answer to every question that was concerned with the humanity. If the destruction of the habitations of Sodom and Gomorrah received a mention in it, while these habitations were no larger than a negligible part of a modern city, how then the mention of a destroyer which would not leave so much as a blade of grass unburnt from one end of the world to the other, could be ignored without damaging the claim to universality. The Quran must be expected to give an answer to the question of atomic annihilation of the world. Again it may be asked whether the Quran contains the outcome of the research of modern science of meteorology. The answer to this question is yes it does. Quran shows this in one sign (Ayat) of about forty words. Read the following from the Quran regarding the phenomenon of rain and hail:-
" Hast thou not seen that Allah gently driveth forward the clouds and gathereth them together, and then layeth them in heaps? Thou also seeth the rain which falleth from the midst thereof, and Allah sendeth down from heaven, from mountains wherein there is hail, He striketh therewith whom he pleaseth, and turneth the same from whom He pleaseth, the brightness of His lightening wanteth but little of taking away the sight".
( Quran XXIV - 43 )
" Have you not seen that God drives the clouds, then joins them together and puts them fold on fold. Then you see the rain fall through them; and He sends down hail from the sky where there are mountains of it, and strikes those with it whom. He will, and wards it off from whomsoever He pleaseth. His lightning could snatch away their eyes".
(Quran - An-Nur-43 The Light)
You have read it now, or you have heard it. And if you pen to be a meteorologist, how much of the science of modern meteorology you have discerned in it, so that after we have explained it, you might compare. To most of the readers of the Quran it is merely a matter of common observation which has been mentioned by the Quran ; whether in the translation or in the original Arabic text of the Quran. Let this be remembered, however, that the mysteries are revealed only in the original Arabic text and never in the translations. It is the Arabic text of the Quran that reveals the essence of the modern science of meteorology about the phenomenon of rain and hail. Read the Quran -An Noor-43 )
In the first sight there appears to be no scientific facts of the modern research, but by the grace of Al-mighty Allah there are scientific facts to be revealed to those possessed of knowledge, and sincere in their faith in the Quran. The original Arabic text of the Quran has miracles to reveal. Most complex, intricate and perplexing facts of science and philosophy may be found in the words and mysteries discovered. To a knowledgeable reader the world of the Quran appears like kaleidoscopic world. The words changing their forms and clows and assuming new forms and colours, astonishing and perplexing the poor human intellect. During my forty-year long research in the Quran more than once I went to sleep with satisfaction that I had exhausted the meanings of a certain sign. But next morning to my surprise I saw the same sign blossoming with fresh flowers that had exchanging colours and delightful fragrance.
Let it be remembered that the modern science of meteorology is of recent origin, while the Quran was revealed fourteen centuries ago. If therefore the discoveries of the mo dern meteorology are found in the Quran, there remains no doubt about the divine original of the Quran, and the Quran deserves to assume a unique place among the divine scriptures.
We will now interpret the sign (Ayat) of the Quran in the light of all the latest discoveries of science in the field of meteorology. It is generally observed by the Non-Muslims, that whenever a discovery of science appears, the Muslims prop up the Quran saying, Lo! here is it written in the Quran, why the Muslims cannot find these facts from the Quran before the discovery is declared by science. The answer to this objection is, that firstly the Quran is not the text book of science to teach the people the technique of producing the things that are produced by the science, rather the Quran observes and regulates the entire life of humanity, every aspect of it. Therefore the Quran has its own style of treating the subject of pure science. Secondly, the Quran would not like the appearance of certain things or their wrong use in order to keep the humanity safe from the noxious effects thereof. Therefore the Quran treats such subjects of science in its peculiar manner. For instance the Quran has treated the atomic science, the entire essence of the subject, but has not taught to build the atomic bombs. Thirdly, if the Quran had explained the inventions of science as we see them today and had used the terms as we hear them today, it is not difficult to imagine that the hearers of that time, would have stampeded away thrusting their fingers in their ears, yelling, " How impossible, how nonsensical, away, away to your rational creed, the creed of our fathers". The fate of Islam was thus no hidden secret. And it was a miracle of the Quran, to say a thing comprehensible and appealing to its first hearers, and conceal within the same language that could answer all that was to come in time in any form, scientific, philosophic, economical, social. Yet let it be understood that the corroboration of the Quran and science is a topic fraught with imminent dangers. Science changes while the Quran is constant. Once said, for-ever said. The corroborator therefore must have thorough knowledge of science, to discern the established facts from more theories and hypotheses, and should at the same time have the thorough knowledge of the Quran to its real mind. Otherwise there is a great possibility of wrecking the reputation of the Quran, and making this word of God about of ridicule, unrecking at the same time the doom of the corroborator himself. I have seen many a corroborator that blundered in this field and fell from the cliffs to the vale of ignominy. God save us from such a doom. I myself am a corroborator, but I weigh a thing a hundred times and pass many a sleepless nights before I find courage to pen a single fact or to bring it on record. Yet I pray to Allah, the Merciful to guide me aright in this hazardous field and let me have no personal or other consideration, and forgive any slip of fall. I am obliged to take to this field for no other reason than that it has become the inevitable necessity of these days. Otherwise the early authentic commentators of the Quran have left no point unambiguous.
Now let us revert to our topic in the name of Allah the Benign, the Merciful. Allah says:-
"(Alam Tara). Has thou not seen?" This question was first posed to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his contemporary Arabs. Now it could be posed to the meteorologist. This is the marvellous feature of the All-time and eternal Quran.
Then :-
"(Annallaha Yuzji). That is God drives". It is to contradict the view of those who think that the laws of nature work on their own, or that the whole affair of creation is accidental only. Here the God asserts his complete control of the Phenomenon.
Then (Yuzji Sahaban). (Sahab) means a cloud, but the derivatives formed on its root (sahaba) give the meanings as, to drive along, to drag along, to withdraw, to recall, to retract etc. The modern meteorological science on this point says, " Previous to a thunderstorm, the clouds are in great commotion. Great masses being torn asunder, others uniting together. These clouds being electrified, some more some less strongly, act inductively on one another, and if a piece happens to be torn away with more than its fair share of electricity that has been induced into it, it may soar away intensely electrified, several such pieces may unite to form a big cloud".
Then The Quran says:-
" (Thumma Yuallifu Bainahu). That is thereafter affects between the different parts of the cloud a harmony and achieves affinity between them. Generally it is translated as " and gathereth them together". In order to know what sort of harmony and affinity is affected and achieved between the various parts of the cloud, let us read the following from the science of meteorology.
" To achieve the coalescence of the minute spherules of water into fallable rain drops, a proper electrical affinity, between a particle and a particle within the cloud and further, within the cloud and the earth has to be achieved. In the presence of a strong positive charge in the cloud the SPHERULES WOULD TEND TOWARDS SEPARATION, EXCLUDING ANY POSSIBILITY OF THEIR COALESCENCE. A charge of milder sort in the vicinity has been found to be helpful for the desired coalescence for the spherules into rain drops. The necessity of the ELECTRIC POTENTIAL and hence the electricity itself, having thus been established a slight ACIDIFICATION of the cloud water is to be UNDERSTOOD as a means to impart conductivity to the water, which in a state of its purity is a bad conductor of electricity".
Let the great masters of Chemistry read these chemical processes explained by the Quran.
Then the Quran says:-
" (Thumma Yajaluhu rukaaman)". That is then "layeth them in heaps". Let us read what the modern meteorological science says about the heaping up of the cloud. It says:-
" When the vapour in the air is condensed not through contact with cold bodies, but through the cooling of a mass of vapour -ladden air, then a cloud is formed. A cloud consists of fine drops of water. if it be near the ground it is called mist or fog. It would at the outset seem impossible to classify or account for the myriads of forms of the cloud, but when we come to observe and watch them closely, two main types of cloud-forms assert themselves. Those which appear in fillowy well-defined shapes, and those which spread over the heavens in a layer thick or thin, partial or complete. The former of these is called CUMULUS, a Latin word meaning HEAP, the latter STRATUS, a Latin word meaning A LAYER. These names are due to LUKE HORWARD (1802) and have been used by all cloud observers since his time. The meteorological science is of recent origin. It developed within the centuries of this modern age. Luke Horward (1802) first used the Terms CUMULUS and STRATUS".
The Quran has anticipated him by centuries. The word Rukaaman which the Quran has used means exactly the CUMULUS. So far as the Term STRATUS is concerned, the Quran has used it in another sign (verse) about the very same topic. The sign is as follows:
That is : " Allah is He who sendeth the wind so that they raise clouds, and spreadeth them along the sky as pleaseth Him. And forms them in layers, and thou seest the rain downpouring from within them".
( Quran XXX - 48 )
" It is God who sends the breezes that raise clouds, then spreads them over the sky as He please, fold on fold, then you see the drops of rain issue from between them. When He sends it down to those of His creatures as He will, they are filled with joy".
(Quran The Romans, 48)
The actual word is (Kisafan) which means to lay in layers, to stratify, to lay layer upon layer. It is exactly the term STRATUS, the term of Luke Horward. Though generally it is translated as, "causeth them to break". It is surprising to note, that the Quran anticipated Luke Horward (1802) by centuries. The words of the Quran thus are not only scientific but also prophetic.
Then the Quran says:-
(Fataral Wadaqa Yakhruju min khilaalihi). That is : Thou seest the rain which falleth from the midst thereof. Actual word is (Min Khilaalihi), that is the rain is pouring from the (khilal) of the cloud. The meaning of this word is pin, skewer, spit. The root of this word is (khallala) which means to acetify. "Khal" means vinegar. Now the necessity of the acidification of the cloud water we have already narrated in the previous pages. A charge of milder sort is essential to achieve the coalescence of the spherules. The charge necessitates electricity. But pure water is a bad conductor of electricity. It is necessary therefore to acetify the water to endue water with the quality of conductivity. Thus the role of the word (khilal ) in the phenomenon becomes clear, to mean that no (khilal) meant no rain, and therefore no life on earth.
The Quran further says:-
(wa yunazzilu min assamaae min jibaalin fiha min bardin). That is:- " And Allah sendeth down from heaven, from mountains wherein there is hail". First imagine a cloud like a mountain of hail. How beautiful is the mountain of white pearls and how exact but novel is the simile. But the point which attracts our attention is hidden in the word (jibaal) which means mountains. The root of this word is (jabala) which means to kneed. Perhaps the most astonishing discovery of the modern meteorological science is that no mist nor fog could be formed, unless there were present in the vapour-laden air particles of dust or sand to act as the nucleus for the spherules of water that constitute the fog. This has been proved, since air filtered through cotton wool, has no tendency towards fog formation. The hail pellets likewise have been found to have been built around a spec of dust acting as their Nucleus, a process in distinction from that of the formation of snow. Now let us see the word (jibaal) that is mountains used by the Quran. The word Jibaal has been derived from the root-verb (jabala) which means to kneed. Then imagine a cloud of rain or of hail, wherein every spherule has a spec of dust or sand though invisible to naked eye. Certainly the cloud appears like a mountain made of dust particles kneeded with water. Remarkable also is the role of mountains in the formation of rain.
Now in the end it may be asked that the Quran in this phenomenon has made no mention of the great role played by the air. It is the air that carries the moisture, and it is the air that wafts the clouds. without the air no rain would have been possible. The question takes our thought to another sign (Ayat) of the Quran which is identical with the sign which we are discussing, and has mentioned the role of air. In the previous pages we have alluded to sing just read:-
(Quran-Alarum -48)
(Allah-u-lazi yursilu-arriaha fatuseeru sahaban). That is, " He is Allah who sendeth the winds, so that they raise clouds".
( Quran XXX-48 )
The Quran's challenge, "Bring ye a chapter like unto it" stands good for every age, including this age of science. The knowledge of science shown by the Qruan is such that no scientist will ever think of being an equal to or like the Quran, the amazing word of Allah, the God of the worlds.
Selasa, 09 Juni 2009
Using Toys for Education
Kids love playing with toys. They are fun, they come in bright colors, different shapes and sizes, have different textures and material, and most importantly they allow kids to be imaginative and creative. Not only are toys used just for fun, but they are also educational. A lot of children’s toys are designed to focus on memory, matching, colors, the alphabet, and imagination. Young children are very interactive and observant, and most of what they learn is from what they see around them. This is known as being a tactile learner.
Tactile learners, which most young children are, learn from life experiences such as taste, touch, and smell. There are learning toys designed especially for tactile learners. Activity tables usually include three of the best tactile learning toys that your child will benefit from. Three great tactile toys are: an abacus, busy beads, and manipulatives. Activity tables usually include all three types of toys, but they can also be purchased separately. Manipulatives are also easy to make on your own with supplies from your home.
An abacus is used for counting and simple math problems. They are similar to busy beads, but are used mostly for counting. They also look very different because an abacus is a frame with straight wires used to move the beads from one end to the next. This is why they are also called counting frames. The abacus has been used for centuries to teach children how to count and use basic arithmetic. It was invented before there was a standard numeral system. Not only is the abacus a great learning toy for young children, it is still used in different parts of the world by merchants.
Busy beads are designed to improve children’s dexterity skills, or hand and eye coordination. Busy beads are used by moving the patterns of beads around to other areas of the toy. The wires that the beads are on move in different directions, and aren’t vertical like the abacus. Young children can be entertained for hours by moving the beads around; it is a hands on experience. The toy is engaging because the beads make different patterns from their bright colors and different arrangements.
Manipulatives are also used to learn basic math, like the abacus. However, you can make almost any item a manipulative. Puzzles are also categorized as manipulatives because children have to use their hands to place the pieces in the correct places. A manipulative is any toy that requires a child to manipulate the toy in some way with their finger and hand/eye coordination.
Jim Ford is the President of KinderMark, a family owned and managed business which sells waiting room toys and waiting room furniture used in doctor’s offices, hospitals, auto dealers, dentists offices and libraries. Preschool toys such as an activity table and learning toys are favorites for pediatric offices. For more information, visit www.kindermark.com .
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Using Toys for Education
Multicultural Education in Your Classroom
America has always been referred to as a melting pot, but ideally, it's a place where we strive to invite everyone to celebrate exactly who they are. As the US population is becoming increasingly diverse and technology makes the world feel increasingly smaller, it is time to make every classroom a multicultural classroom.
What is Multicultural Education?
Multicultural education is more than celebrating Cinco de Mayo with tacos and piƱatas or reading the latest biography of Martin Luther King Jr. It is an educational movement built on basic American values such as freedom, justice, opportunity, and equality. It is a set of strategies aimed to address the diverse challenges experienced by rapidly changing U.S. demographics. And it is a beginning step to shifting the balance of power and privilege within the education system.
The goals of multicultural education include:
Creating a safe, accepting and successful learning environment for all
Increasing awareness of global issues
Strengthening cultural consciousness
Strengthening intercultural awareness
Teaching students that there are multiple historical perspectives
Encouraging critical thinking
Preventing prejudice and discrimination
Advantages of Multicultural Education
According to the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), multicultural education:
Helps students develop positive self-image.
Offers students an equitable educational opportunity.
Allows multiple perspectives and ways of thinking.
Combats stereotypes and prejudicial behavior.
Teaches students to critique society in the interest of social justice.
Road Blocks to Implementing Multicultural Education
Contrary to popular belief, multicultural education is more than cultural awareness, but rather an initiative to encompass all under-represented groups (people of color, women, people with disabilities, etc) and to ensure curriculum and content including such groups is accurate and complete.
Unfortunately, multicultural education is not as easy as a yearly heritage celebration or supplemental unit here and there. Rather, it requires schools to reform traditional curriculum.
Too often, students are misinformed and misguided. Not all textbooks present historical content fully and accurately. For instance, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as the American hero who discovered America. This take on history completely ignores the pre-European history of Native Americans and the devastation that colonization had on them. Some history books are being revised, but often, it’s much easier to teach that “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”
Most curriculums also focus more on North America and Europe than any other region. Most students have learned about genocide through stories of the Holocaust, but do they know that hundreds of thousands of people are being killed in places like Darfur and Rwanda? Despite our close proximity to Latin America, American schools typically spend little time reading Latin American literature or learning about the culture and history?
Thus, multicultural education is most successful when implemented as a schoolwide approach with reconstruction of not only curriculum, but also organizational and institutional policy.
Unfortunately most educational institutions are not prepared to implement multicultural education in their classrooms. Multicultural education requires a staff that is not only diverse, but also culturally competent. Educators must be aware, responsive and embracing of the diverse beliefs, perspectives and experiences. They must also be willing and ready to address issues of controversy. These issues include, but are not limited to, racism, sexism, religious intolerance, classism, ageism, etc.
What You Can Do in Your Classroom
Just because we’re facing an uphill battle doesn’t mean we shouldn't take those first steps. To integrate multicultural education in your classroom and your school, you can:
Integrate a diverse reading list that demonstrates the universal human experience across cultures
Encourage community participation and social activism
Go beyond the textbook
By supplementing your curriculum with current events and news stories outside the textbook, you can draw parallels between the distant experiences of the past and the world today.
Creating multicultural projects that require students to choose a background outside of their own
Suggest that your school host an in-service professional development on multi-cultural education in the classroom
Favorite Lessons in Multicultural Education
Analyze issues of racism through pop culture.
Example: Study the affects of WWII for Japanese Americans through political cartoons, movies, photography, etc.
Analyze issues of socioeconomic class through planning and development.
Example: Design a development project with solutions to the needs of those living in poverty stricken communities.
Analyze issues of sexism through media.
Example: Make a scrapbook of stereotypical portrayals of both men and women. Compare both positive and negative stereotypes and determine the struggles they face as a result of these stereotypes.
Recommended Resources:
Becoming Multicultural Educators by Geneva Gay
Beyond Heros and Holidays by Enid Lee
Lies My Teachers Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James Loewen
Professional Development
Teaching Diversity: Influences and Issues in the Classroom
Customize for Your School
Courses & Seminars in Your Area
E.K. Garcia is a writer for www.TeachHUB.com-- a new, free online resource center specific to the needs of K-12 students and educators. This stand-alone resource center has made thousands of classroom-tested and teacher-approved strategies, tools and recommendations available in one convenient location.
For more professional development opportunities, and classroom resources relating to multicultural education and all other topics within the K-12 education world as well as other articles by E.K. Garcia, please visit www.TeachHUB.com.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Multicultural Education in Your Classroom