Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

2012 - Sun Storms and Cosmic Radiation

This finding started immediate worldwide speculation about a forthcoming polar reversal. In an instant, modern science lined up with the predictions of scientists of a far-distant past. This cannot be a coincidence! Thousands of years ago, priests were able to calculate that the magnetic field of the Earth would collapse at the end of 2012, at the zenith of the catastrophe. And now, eons later in time, one person comes up with an identical idea. Only the present scientists still do not realize what the consequences will be: they think that electronic equipment will experience some problems, that the migration of many animals will be disturbed, and that there might be a problem with radiation. They do not expect much more than that. But this is diametrically opposed to what the Maya and the Old Egyptians predicted.

In the books from Patrick Geryl, he has clearly described the disastrous effects of a pole shift. However, he hardly dealt with one issue: radioactive radiation and wondered worriedly what effect this will have on the Earth? Are people and animals able to handle this? And what can we do to guard ourselves against it?

Given his knowledge of astronomy, he got quickly clear answers. It is known that particles coming from the stars and our sun collide with the magnetic field of the Earth. Highly charged, energetic cosmic particles are hardly hindered by the magnetic field—they just pass through it, and it doesn't matter whether their charge is neutral, positive or negative. However, in the Earth's atmosphere they collide with oxygen and nitrogen molecules, which render them less harmful. Low energy cosmic radiation is normally deflected to the poles. When the magnetic field is pressurized and disappears, you will not have this tunnel effect anymore and the particles will fall randomly on Earth. The effect of this is small and does not imply a threat for plants, animals or humans. Therefore, at first he thought we would not have much to fear from harmful radiation. Then he started to study the situation a bit more carefully; it appeared he had somehow underestimated the consequences. A first deduction was not so difficult to make.

Ultraviolet Radiation
Everybody knows that you can get severely burnt while in high mountains and that you need to protect yourself well against the solar radiation. The higher you are, the more intense the radiation is. No doubt about that. You only have to ask mountain climbers who use protection factors of twenty or more. Close to the fatal date, a lot of us who plan to survive will be at an altitude of three kilometers (9000 feet) or more. Under normal circumstances there would be no problem. However, at the peak of the catastrophe, the light intensity of the sun will increase tremendously. An all-scorching light will be sent in the direction of the Earth. The intensity of ultraviolet radiation, which is responsible for the degradation of the ozone layer, will rise quite spectacularly. You can guess the consequences: you will risk burning unprotected skin, making it as black as carbon in this radiation inferno.

Just one solution will remedy the situation: wear protective clothing that stops the ultraviolet radiation as much as possible. It is the only way to prevent fatal burns. This is an essential part of the planning. Those who take their chances with boats will have fewer effects from the radiation, because the atmosphere absorbs a lot. Although they will be subjected to a minimal amount of the exposure compared to those in the high mountains, they still need to be careful. Direct exposure to the solar radiation for a short time is possible, but surely not for too long. However, the others in the high mountains will have to be extremely careful. They will have to protect themselves to the utmost against radiation. In most cases, wearing a good sunscreen, thick clothes and a hat will be sufficient to protect them.

Well, this was good reasoning, but in the meantime his thoughts went on. What else could be of importance? What other surprises does the sun have in store for us? Could it be worse?

Read more in Patrick Geryl's book "How to survive 2012" at http://store.2012pro.com.

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Parenting in islam

Parenting in Islam

Newborn Child in Islam

The importance of writing about this topic springs from the importance of these manners which can be summarized in the following points:

* All of the manners for welcoming the new-born are taken from the guidance given by the chosen Messenger Muhammad (SAW) in his Sunnah, so applying them with one's children is a form of worship which draws one nearer to Allah - the Most High - and is a revival of the Sunnah in this matter.

* Greeting the new-born with these rites at the start of their lives is an outward sign distinguishing the children of this Ummah from the children of other nations in their upbringing, and their behavior, just as it gives the sense of dignity of attachment to this Deen, and it gives them a distinguishing character from the first moments of their lives.

Allah says in the Quran in Soorat al-Baqarah, Aayah:138 , the meaning of which is:

"Our 'Sibghah' (religion) is] the 'Sibghah' (religion) of Allah (Islam) and which 'Sigbhah' (religion) can be better than Allah's. And we are His worshippers." [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]

* These manners have their effect upon the child's education and development and his correct development is closely tied to this, and what can be greater for the father than seeing that his son is honest and good, and is developing righteously - this will indeed be a great pleasure for him.

* That welcoming the new-born with these manners by the parents is a fulfillment of part of their duty towards the child, and of their good treatment of it - which will also lead if Allah wills to the child in turn treating its parents well, since as is said: "Treat your children well and your children will treat you well".

* These manners of welcoming the new-born which are to be quoted are by a large number of points of wisdom and benefit derived the Sharee'ah, social life, the field of education and nature, which will be of benefit to the child, its parents and to their society in and the future. This will become clearer when the topic is entered into large number of errors that people fall into in these matters due either to negligence or lack of knowledge.

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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - parenting in islam

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Secrets of Success - Live Out Your Dreams

We all have dreams that at one time in our lives, we really believed that we could somehow achieve or accomplish. Over the years, the monotony of our daily routines, the struggles that we go through, and everything else can kind of detach us from manifesting desires and keep us from really experiencing the level of success that we were meant to have. Could there be a secret of success that you NEED to know?

Well, for one, you have to be able to get yourself back in touch with those dreams and not only that, but back into believing that all things are possible. The more that you can feel and think in this way, the harder it will be to shake the feeling and the desire to really make it happen for yourself.

When you can feel a certain level of inspiration and motivation, you are almost compelled to go after the things that you desire no matter what. When you can do this, you are almost guaranteed to experience success in some way or another. Succeeding is not always about talent, it is also about the levels of desire, motivation, and inspiration that you can tap into as well.

Sometimes we think that success secrets are something that are out of reach for most people. That somehow only a select group of people are really privileged to this kind of information. But, having the right amount of inspiration, motivation, and desire can push you forward into the life that you dream about.

Would you like to learn more?

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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Secrets of Success - Live Out Your Dreams

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Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Importance of the Sun

The Sun is the main source of energy for earth. It gives us heat and light and helps us to remove darkness and bring light all around the world. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. In olden days people use to worship Sun as God because it was the only visible powerful thing. In the early morning, birds welcome the Sun with a lovely and chirping song and this gives an indication to the mankind about the arrival of the new day. In the early morning, the sunrays helps us by providing Vitamin D which is essential for our skin. Some people are seen basking in the sunshine to get useful Vitamin D and get tanned as well.

The Sun helps the plants in preparing their food through its light by a process called as photosynthesis. Thus, Sun is also essential for plant because if there were no Sun, plants would not have been able to prepare their food and survive. Human beings get their food from plants and so in the absence of the sunlight human also would have died. In this modern world conventional sources of energy like coal, petrol, diesel and gas are being used extensively and so their stock are getting reduced. Scientists are worried that with this speed, these conventional sources of energy will be fully exhausted and so they are trying to harness the Sun by using its energy for solar batteries, solar heaters, and for running cars as well.

Sunlight also helps to stop the growth of bacteria, insects and thus prevent the spread of diseases like malaria, typhoid, etc. If there were no sun there would have been severe cold all around and no human beings, birds, and animals and plant could have survived. The Sun is the centre of solar system and all the nine planets revolve around its fixed orbit. During a solar eclipse, the Sun, Earth and Moon come in a straight line such that moon lies in between the Earth and the Sun. We should not see the Sun with our naked eyes because the rays emerging out are harmful for our eyes. The ozone layer above the atmosphere prevents the harmful ultraviolet rays from entering into the earth's atmosphere and thus protect the mankind from the harmful rays of the Sun.

About the Author:

The author likes to write text messages and advises for internet and social networking content like twitter backgrounds and myspace graphics. He also writes quizzes on subjects like career, personality, etc.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Importance of the Sun

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Quran and Science of Meterology

Quran Treats the phenonomenon of Rain and Hail
Allama Muhammad Yousuf Gabriel

The Quran has claimed not once but twice in most explicit terms to contain all knowledge that concerned humanity. And has challenged the world to bring a chapter like it, when I was asked that Quran was not the book of science, it was only the book of religion. How therefore, the treatment of the subjects like atomic science, the atomic bombs and atomic radiations could be expected in a book of religion. My answer to this was and is that the Quran is a book of a religion indeed, but it is the book of a religion that is perfect and complete and may be expected to provide answer to every question that was concerned with the humanity. If the destruction of the habitations of Sodom and Gomorrah received a mention in it, while these habitations were no larger than a negligible part of a modern city, how then the mention of a destroyer which would not leave so much as a blade of grass unburnt from one end of the world to the other, could be ignored without damaging the claim to universality. The Quran must be expected to give an answer to the question of atomic annihilation of the world. Again it may be asked whether the Quran contains the outcome of the research of modern science of meteorology. The answer to this question is yes it does. Quran shows this in one sign (Ayat) of about forty words. Read the following from the Quran regarding the phenomenon of rain and hail:-
" Hast thou not seen that Allah gently driveth forward the clouds and gathereth them together, and then layeth them in heaps? Thou also seeth the rain which falleth from the midst thereof, and Allah sendeth down from heaven, from mountains wherein there is hail, He striketh therewith whom he pleaseth, and turneth the same from whom He pleaseth, the brightness of His lightening wanteth but little of taking away the sight".
( Quran XXIV - 43 )
" Have you not seen that God drives the clouds, then joins them together and puts them fold on fold. Then you see the rain fall through them; and He sends down hail from the sky where there are mountains of it, and strikes those with it whom. He will, and wards it off from whomsoever He pleaseth. His lightning could snatch away their eyes".
(Quran - An-Nur-43 The Light)

You have read it now, or you have heard it. And if you pen to be a meteorologist, how much of the science of modern meteorology you have discerned in it, so that after we have explained it, you might compare. To most of the readers of the Quran it is merely a matter of common observation which has been mentioned by the Quran ; whether in the translation or in the original Arabic text of the Quran. Let this be remembered, however, that the mysteries are revealed only in the original Arabic text and never in the translations. It is the Arabic text of the Quran that reveals the essence of the modern science of meteorology about the phenomenon of rain and hail. Read the Quran -An Noor-43 )
In the first sight there appears to be no scientific facts of the modern research, but by the grace of Al-mighty Allah there are scientific facts to be revealed to those possessed of knowledge, and sincere in their faith in the Quran. The original Arabic text of the Quran has miracles to reveal. Most complex, intricate and perplexing facts of science and philosophy may be found in the words and mysteries discovered. To a knowledgeable reader the world of the Quran appears like kaleidoscopic world. The words changing their forms and clows and assuming new forms and colours, astonishing and perplexing the poor human intellect. During my forty-year long research in the Quran more than once I went to sleep with satisfaction that I had exhausted the meanings of a certain sign. But next morning to my surprise I saw the same sign blossoming with fresh flowers that had exchanging colours and delightful fragrance.
Let it be remembered that the modern science of meteorology is of recent origin, while the Quran was revealed fourteen centuries ago. If therefore the discoveries of the mo dern meteorology are found in the Quran, there remains no doubt about the divine original of the Quran, and the Quran deserves to assume a unique place among the divine scriptures.
We will now interpret the sign (Ayat) of the Quran in the light of all the latest discoveries of science in the field of meteorology. It is generally observed by the Non-Muslims, that whenever a discovery of science appears, the Muslims prop up the Quran saying, Lo! here is it written in the Quran, why the Muslims cannot find these facts from the Quran before the discovery is declared by science. The answer to this objection is, that firstly the Quran is not the text book of science to teach the people the technique of producing the things that are produced by the science, rather the Quran observes and regulates the entire life of humanity, every aspect of it. Therefore the Quran has its own style of treating the subject of pure science. Secondly, the Quran would not like the appearance of certain things or their wrong use in order to keep the humanity safe from the noxious effects thereof. Therefore the Quran treats such subjects of science in its peculiar manner. For instance the Quran has treated the atomic science, the entire essence of the subject, but has not taught to build the atomic bombs. Thirdly, if the Quran had explained the inventions of science as we see them today and had used the terms as we hear them today, it is not difficult to imagine that the hearers of that time, would have stampeded away thrusting their fingers in their ears, yelling, " How impossible, how nonsensical, away, away to your rational creed, the creed of our fathers". The fate of Islam was thus no hidden secret. And it was a miracle of the Quran, to say a thing comprehensible and appealing to its first hearers, and conceal within the same language that could answer all that was to come in time in any form, scientific, philosophic, economical, social. Yet let it be understood that the corroboration of the Quran and science is a topic fraught with imminent dangers. Science changes while the Quran is constant. Once said, for-ever said. The corroborator therefore must have thorough knowledge of science, to discern the established facts from more theories and hypotheses, and should at the same time have the thorough knowledge of the Quran to its real mind. Otherwise there is a great possibility of wrecking the reputation of the Quran, and making this word of God about of ridicule, unrecking at the same time the doom of the corroborator himself. I have seen many a corroborator that blundered in this field and fell from the cliffs to the vale of ignominy. God save us from such a doom. I myself am a corroborator, but I weigh a thing a hundred times and pass many a sleepless nights before I find courage to pen a single fact or to bring it on record. Yet I pray to Allah, the Merciful to guide me aright in this hazardous field and let me have no personal or other consideration, and forgive any slip of fall. I am obliged to take to this field for no other reason than that it has become the inevitable necessity of these days. Otherwise the early authentic commentators of the Quran have left no point unambiguous.
Now let us revert to our topic in the name of Allah the Benign, the Merciful. Allah says:-
"(Alam Tara). Has thou not seen?" This question was first posed to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his contemporary Arabs. Now it could be posed to the meteorologist. This is the marvellous feature of the All-time and eternal Quran.
Then :-
"(Annallaha Yuzji). That is God drives". It is to contradict the view of those who think that the laws of nature work on their own, or that the whole affair of creation is accidental only. Here the God asserts his complete control of the Phenomenon.
Then (Yuzji Sahaban). (Sahab) means a cloud, but the derivatives formed on its root (sahaba) give the meanings as, to drive along, to drag along, to withdraw, to recall, to retract etc. The modern meteorological science on this point says, " Previous to a thunderstorm, the clouds are in great commotion. Great masses being torn asunder, others uniting together. These clouds being electrified, some more some less strongly, act inductively on one another, and if a piece happens to be torn away with more than its fair share of electricity that has been induced into it, it may soar away intensely electrified, several such pieces may unite to form a big cloud".
Then The Quran says:-
" (Thumma Yuallifu Bainahu). That is thereafter affects between the different parts of the cloud a harmony and achieves affinity between them. Generally it is translated as " and gathereth them together". In order to know what sort of harmony and affinity is affected and achieved between the various parts of the cloud, let us read the following from the science of meteorology.
" To achieve the coalescence of the minute spherules of water into fallable rain drops, a proper electrical affinity, between a particle and a particle within the cloud and further, within the cloud and the earth has to be achieved. In the presence of a strong positive charge in the cloud the SPHERULES WOULD TEND TOWARDS SEPARATION, EXCLUDING ANY POSSIBILITY OF THEIR COALESCENCE. A charge of milder sort in the vicinity has been found to be helpful for the desired coalescence for the spherules into rain drops. The necessity of the ELECTRIC POTENTIAL and hence the electricity itself, having thus been established a slight ACIDIFICATION of the cloud water is to be UNDERSTOOD as a means to impart conductivity to the water, which in a state of its purity is a bad conductor of electricity".
Let the great masters of Chemistry read these chemical processes explained by the Quran.
Then the Quran says:-
" (Thumma Yajaluhu rukaaman)". That is then "layeth them in heaps". Let us read what the modern meteorological science says about the heaping up of the cloud. It says:-
" When the vapour in the air is condensed not through contact with cold bodies, but through the cooling of a mass of vapour -ladden air, then a cloud is formed. A cloud consists of fine drops of water. if it be near the ground it is called mist or fog. It would at the outset seem impossible to classify or account for the myriads of forms of the cloud, but when we come to observe and watch them closely, two main types of cloud-forms assert themselves. Those which appear in fillowy well-defined shapes, and those which spread over the heavens in a layer thick or thin, partial or complete. The former of these is called CUMULUS, a Latin word meaning HEAP, the latter STRATUS, a Latin word meaning A LAYER. These names are due to LUKE HORWARD (1802) and have been used by all cloud observers since his time. The meteorological science is of recent origin. It developed within the centuries of this modern age. Luke Horward (1802) first used the Terms CUMULUS and STRATUS".
The Quran has anticipated him by centuries. The word Rukaaman which the Quran has used means exactly the CUMULUS. So far as the Term STRATUS is concerned, the Quran has used it in another sign (verse) about the very same topic. The sign is as follows:
That is : " Allah is He who sendeth the wind so that they raise clouds, and spreadeth them along the sky as pleaseth Him. And forms them in layers, and thou seest the rain downpouring from within them".
( Quran XXX - 48 )
" It is God who sends the breezes that raise clouds, then spreads them over the sky as He please, fold on fold, then you see the drops of rain issue from between them. When He sends it down to those of His creatures as He will, they are filled with joy".
(Quran The Romans, 48)
The actual word is (Kisafan) which means to lay in layers, to stratify, to lay layer upon layer. It is exactly the term STRATUS, the term of Luke Horward. Though generally it is translated as, "causeth them to break". It is surprising to note, that the Quran anticipated Luke Horward (1802) by centuries. The words of the Quran thus are not only scientific but also prophetic.
Then the Quran says:-
(Fataral Wadaqa Yakhruju min khilaalihi). That is : Thou seest the rain which falleth from the midst thereof. Actual word is (Min Khilaalihi), that is the rain is pouring from the (khilal) of the cloud. The meaning of this word is pin, skewer, spit. The root of this word is (khallala) which means to acetify. "Khal" means vinegar. Now the necessity of the acidification of the cloud water we have already narrated in the previous pages. A charge of milder sort is essential to achieve the coalescence of the spherules. The charge necessitates electricity. But pure water is a bad conductor of electricity. It is necessary therefore to acetify the water to endue water with the quality of conductivity. Thus the role of the word (khilal ) in the phenomenon becomes clear, to mean that no (khilal) meant no rain, and therefore no life on earth.
The Quran further says:-
(wa yunazzilu min assamaae min jibaalin fiha min bardin). That is:- " And Allah sendeth down from heaven, from mountains wherein there is hail". First imagine a cloud like a mountain of hail. How beautiful is the mountain of white pearls and how exact but novel is the simile. But the point which attracts our attention is hidden in the word (jibaal) which means mountains. The root of this word is (jabala) which means to kneed. Perhaps the most astonishing discovery of the modern meteorological science is that no mist nor fog could be formed, unless there were present in the vapour-laden air particles of dust or sand to act as the nucleus for the spherules of water that constitute the fog. This has been proved, since air filtered through cotton wool, has no tendency towards fog formation. The hail pellets likewise have been found to have been built around a spec of dust acting as their Nucleus, a process in distinction from that of the formation of snow. Now let us see the word (jibaal) that is mountains used by the Quran. The word Jibaal has been derived from the root-verb (jabala) which means to kneed. Then imagine a cloud of rain or of hail, wherein every spherule has a spec of dust or sand though invisible to naked eye. Certainly the cloud appears like a mountain made of dust particles kneeded with water. Remarkable also is the role of mountains in the formation of rain.
Now in the end it may be asked that the Quran in this phenomenon has made no mention of the great role played by the air. It is the air that carries the moisture, and it is the air that wafts the clouds. without the air no rain would have been possible. The question takes our thought to another sign (Ayat) of the Quran which is identical with the sign which we are discussing, and has mentioned the role of air. In the previous pages we have alluded to sing just read:-
(Quran-Alarum -48)
(Allah-u-lazi yursilu-arriaha fatuseeru sahaban). That is, " He is Allah who sendeth the winds, so that they raise clouds".
( Quran XXX-48 )
The Quran's challenge, "Bring ye a chapter like unto it" stands good for every age, including this age of science. The knowledge of science shown by the Qruan is such that no scientist will ever think of being an equal to or like the Quran, the amazing word of Allah, the God of the worlds.

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Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Using Toys for Education

Kids love playing with toys. They are fun, they come in bright colors, different shapes and sizes, have different textures and material, and most importantly they allow kids to be imaginative and creative. Not only are toys used just for fun, but they are also educational. A lot of children’s toys are designed to focus on memory, matching, colors, the alphabet, and imagination. Young children are very interactive and observant, and most of what they learn is from what they see around them. This is known as being a tactile learner.

Tactile learners, which most young children are, learn from life experiences such as taste, touch, and smell. There are learning toys designed especially for tactile learners. Activity tables usually include three of the best tactile learning toys that your child will benefit from. Three great tactile toys are: an abacus, busy beads, and manipulatives. Activity tables usually include all three types of toys, but they can also be purchased separately. Manipulatives are also easy to make on your own with supplies from your home.

An abacus is used for counting and simple math problems. They are similar to busy beads, but are used mostly for counting. They also look very different because an abacus is a frame with straight wires used to move the beads from one end to the next. This is why they are also called counting frames. The abacus has been used for centuries to teach children how to count and use basic arithmetic. It was invented before there was a standard numeral system. Not only is the abacus a great learning toy for young children, it is still used in different parts of the world by merchants.

Busy beads are designed to improve children’s dexterity skills, or hand and eye coordination. Busy beads are used by moving the patterns of beads around to other areas of the toy. The wires that the beads are on move in different directions, and aren’t vertical like the abacus. Young children can be entertained for hours by moving the beads around; it is a hands on experience. The toy is engaging because the beads make different patterns from their bright colors and different arrangements.

Manipulatives are also used to learn basic math, like the abacus. However, you can make almost any item a manipulative. Puzzles are also categorized as manipulatives because children have to use their hands to place the pieces in the correct places. A manipulative is any toy that requires a child to manipulate the toy in some way with their finger and hand/eye coordination.

About the Author:

Jim Ford is the President of KinderMark, a family owned and managed business which sells waiting room toys and waiting room furniture used in doctor’s offices, hospitals, auto dealers, dentists offices and libraries. Preschool toys such as an activity table and learning toys are favorites for pediatric offices. For more information, visit www.kindermark.com .

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Using Toys for Education

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Multicultural Education in Your Classroom

America has always been referred to as a melting pot, but ideally, it's a place where we strive to invite everyone to celebrate exactly who they are. As the US population is becoming increasingly diverse and technology makes the world feel increasingly smaller, it is time to make every classroom a multicultural classroom.
What is Multicultural Education?

Multicultural education is more than celebrating Cinco de Mayo with tacos and piƱatas or reading the latest biography of Martin Luther King Jr. It is an educational movement built on basic American values such as freedom, justice, opportunity, and equality. It is a set of strategies aimed to address the diverse challenges experienced by rapidly changing U.S. demographics. And it is a beginning step to shifting the balance of power and privilege within the education system.

The goals of multicultural education include:


Creating a safe, accepting and successful learning environment for all

Increasing awareness of global issues

Strengthening cultural consciousness

Strengthening intercultural awareness

Teaching students that there are multiple historical perspectives

Encouraging critical thinking

Preventing prejudice and discrimination

Advantages of Multicultural Education

According to the National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME), multicultural education:


Helps students develop positive self-image.

Offers students an equitable educational opportunity.

Allows multiple perspectives and ways of thinking.

Combats stereotypes and prejudicial behavior.

Teaches students to critique society in the interest of social justice.

Road Blocks to Implementing Multicultural Education

Contrary to popular belief, multicultural education is more than cultural awareness, but rather an initiative to encompass all under-represented groups (people of color, women, people with disabilities, etc) and to ensure curriculum and content including such groups is accurate and complete.

Unfortunately, multicultural education is not as easy as a yearly heritage celebration or supplemental unit here and there. Rather, it requires schools to reform traditional curriculum.

Too often, students are misinformed and misguided. Not all textbooks present historical content fully and accurately. For instance, Christopher Columbus is celebrated as the American hero who discovered America. This take on history completely ignores the pre-European history of Native Americans and the devastation that colonization had on them. Some history books are being revised, but often, it’s much easier to teach that “In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.”

Most curriculums also focus more on North America and Europe than any other region. Most students have learned about genocide through stories of the Holocaust, but do they know that hundreds of thousands of people are being killed in places like Darfur and Rwanda? Despite our close proximity to Latin America, American schools typically spend little time reading Latin American literature or learning about the culture and history?

Thus, multicultural education is most successful when implemented as a schoolwide approach with reconstruction of not only curriculum, but also organizational and institutional policy.

Unfortunately most educational institutions are not prepared to implement multicultural education in their classrooms. Multicultural education requires a staff that is not only diverse, but also culturally competent. Educators must be aware, responsive and embracing of the diverse beliefs, perspectives and experiences. They must also be willing and ready to address issues of controversy. These issues include, but are not limited to, racism, sexism, religious intolerance, classism, ageism, etc.
What You Can Do in Your Classroom

Just because we’re facing an uphill battle doesn’t mean we shouldn't take those first steps. To integrate multicultural education in your classroom and your school, you can:


Integrate a diverse reading list that demonstrates the universal human experience across cultures

Encourage community participation and social activism

Go beyond the textbook

By supplementing your curriculum with current events and news stories outside the textbook, you can draw parallels between the distant experiences of the past and the world today.

Creating multicultural projects that require students to choose a background outside of their own

Suggest that your school host an in-service professional development on multi-cultural education in the classroom

Favorite Lessons in Multicultural Education

Analyze issues of racism through pop culture.

Example: Study the affects of WWII for Japanese Americans through political cartoons, movies, photography, etc.

Analyze issues of socioeconomic class through planning and development.

Example: Design a development project with solutions to the needs of those living in poverty stricken communities.

Analyze issues of sexism through media.

Example: Make a scrapbook of stereotypical portrayals of both men and women. Compare both positive and negative stereotypes and determine the struggles they face as a result of these stereotypes.
Recommended Resources:


Becoming Multicultural Educators by Geneva Gay

Beyond Heros and Holidays by Enid Lee

Lies My Teachers Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong by James Loewen

Professional Development

Teaching Diversity: Influences and Issues in the Classroom

Customize for Your School

Courses & Seminars in Your Area

About the Author:

E.K. Garcia is a writer for www.TeachHUB.com-- a new, free online resource center specific to the needs of K-12 students and educators. This stand-alone resource center has made thousands of classroom-tested and teacher-approved strategies, tools and recommendations available in one convenient location.

For more professional development opportunities, and classroom resources relating to multicultural education and all other topics within the K-12 education world as well as other articles by E.K. Garcia, please visit www.TeachHUB.com.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Multicultural Education in Your Classroom

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Why study English?

There are people who find it quite easy to learn new languages, but they are very few indeed. Most of us have to work hard to develop good fluency in a new language. So why do we do it?

By far the most important reason is, in the end, financial.

We invest our time and our effort in order to achieve a real long-term benefit. Maybe our immediate objective is to get an international job, or to get a place at an English-speaking university. But in both these cases the real long-term goal is to improve our chances of earning a high salary over the rest of our life, or for a period in our life.

Like any investment, the balance between investment, risk and reward has to be right, or we will not spend the time and money.

Clearly therefore the potential cost of an English course, in terms of the price we have to pay and the time and effort we shall have to devote to it, has to be weighed against the benefits we expect. The actual price we shall have to pay is not the most important factor here. Most important is the difference between total cost and total benefit expected, because this provides motivation, and every language trainer in the world will tell you that motivation is the real secret of language learning.

But motivation is not a fixed quantity. It varies. A motivated student can become quickly demotivated if he or she starts to feel that they are not making visible progress. They can become demotivated if their tutor is unimaginative in their approach, or does not respond properly to their needs. Quite suddenly the effort they need to put into the learning process starts to feel like a burden they cannot carry, and their long-term goal looks unattainable.

A good tutor in a good school will build up their students’ motivation week by week. They will encourage the student to levels of effort and achievement the student did not imagine possible. The school will provide materials and equipment that help reinforce the tutor’s work, and the student will find that their studies move along quickly, and enjoyably. The long-term goal comes visibly closer, and motivation soars.

belajar bahasa Inggris

Finally, here are three tips to bear in mind when deciding to study English.

1. Be clear about your long-term goal, and the steps you will take to achieve it.
2. Look for a school that has tutors who know how to motivate their students.
3. Work hard…no one should ever expect to find English an easy language!

About the Author:

English training

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Why study English?

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Best of the Web’s Teachers’ Resources

If you are currently in a teaching career, the internet was built for you! In a job where armfuls of ideas, resources, plans and creativity are necessary (and changeable) by the hour, the opportunity to browse, trade and learn is invaluable. If you have specific subject or query in mind, then Google really is the teachers pet. Here is a collection of some of my favourites, and what you can find when you log on:

Teacher Planet (www.teacherplanet.com) - A bang up to date resource featuring Spring & Summer Season lessons, plans, worksheets, tools, certificates and more.

UsingEnglish.Com (www.usingenglish.com) - Free English teacher resources for of all levels including hundreds of printable handouts, PDF lesson plans, online quizzes, jobs, articles, teacher discussion forum and more...

TES Connect (www.tes.co.uk) - The online version of The Times Educational Supplement. TES is an invaluable resource for industry news, views and ideas, reports and opinions; covering primary, secondary and further education.

The Foundation Stage Forum (www.foundation-stage.info) - This UK based site focuses on the early year’s education sector and those involved in education with children aged 3 to 5 years. The site provides resources and information and other materials that have been identified via needs discussed in the active forums.

Primary Resources (www.primaryresources.co.uk) - Containing those all important lesson plans, work and activity sheets. This site is suitable for teachers of all curriculum subjects; English, Maths, ICT, Science, Geography, History, Music, Languages and Art.

50 Must-Read Up and Coming Blogs by Teachers (www.teachingtips.com/blog/2008/06/30/50-must-read-up-and-coming-blogs-by-teachers/) - Find, browse and read blogs by other teachers like you!

TeacherLingo (www.teacherlingo.com) – It’s an online community for teachers to share thoughts and ideas and to discuss current events. Members can start a free teacher blog and more.

And finally

TeacherNet (www.teachernet.gov.uk) - This UK site lists literally hundred s of intelligent teaching resources, whatever your level or discipline.

About the Author:

Kellie Whitehead writes job related content for TheEducationProfessionals.Com Education Recruitment the number one online resource for those seeking an education career in Dubai and the Middle East.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Best of the Web’s Teachers’ Resources

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The History of the Earth Crammed into One Day

Try to think way, way, way, way outside the box for a minute, try to squeeze the 4,500 million years of the Earth’s history into a single day, twenty-four little hours. Difficult isn’t it? But if you can, this is how the world has progressed - the first signs of life began creeping around just after four o’clock in the morning, it consisted of simple, single-celled organisms and that was it for the next sixteen hours! The day was almost completely wasted until just before eight-thirty in the evening when the first sea plants made a belated appearance. At ten minutes to nine that night the jellyfish pops up it’s bizarre head along with many of it’s diploblastic (only two layers of tissue, as opposed to the more streamlined three layers which all of us ((humans and animals)) bear today) Ediacaran buddies. Just after nine o’clock, the Alien resembling (the Sigourney Weaver type, not the extra-terrestrial sort) trilobites emerged onto the scene.

In a comparative glut of activity, the very odd and very diverse creatures of the Burgess Shale followed close on their heels. There was no stopping life now, just before 22:00, plant life began to flourish, encouraging at long, long last the first land creatures to make their debut. They were blessed, as there followed a warming of planet Earth which accommodated them and others - there followed a proliferation of the great carboniferous forests, as well as the emergence of winged insects. The famous dinosaurs materialised at 23:00 and held sway for three-quarters of an hour, vanishing in an instant, being replaced by mammals. Then, in the dying gasp of the day, humans rocked onto the scene with just one minute and seventeen seconds left!


About the Author:

Russell Shortt is a travel consultant with Exploring Ireland, the leading specialists in customised, private escorted tours, escorted coach tours and independent self drive tours of Ireland. Article source Russell Shortt, http://www.exploringireland.net

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - The History of the Earth Crammed into One Day

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Math Problems

The key to a good math education starts very early at the elementary years period. Nevertheless, it has been found out that students are not learning math in a way which will help them love it, hence often times, they try to look for help with math.As a consequence, it is not unusual that students simply turn their back to math, and don't end up assimilating basic mathematical skill which would help them tremendously in the professional careers, in almost every field.

One of the main reasons why some people hate numbers and would probably scour for help with math is that it has been taught differently during their early years. One capital mistake is the tendency to entice memorization instead of critical math reasoning, which certainly leads to failure, since memorization doesn't provide the reach that true mathematical understanding does. Using this kind of teaching method, it does not help the students that much with math. Take for example the case of Pythagoras Theorem.

The Pythagorean Theorem in geometry states that, in a triangle with which one angle is a right angle (having 90 degrees or also known as a right angle), the square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two other sides of the triangle. In equation form, it is often expressed as a2 +b2 = c2

In this example, instead of just asking the students to memorize a formula, the teacher should be able to discuss on how the formula came about. The teacher should go for a historical contextualization of why the theorem is true and why how it was developed. Kids would probably find more appealing a historical reference than the mere memorization of it. As we probably have experienced before, a good story usually makes it up for a difficult concept, because it makes math much more enjoyable

Another fun way of educating kids in mathematics is through online games. There are quite a number of websites which offer interactive games that help your kid understand the concepts of mathematics while at the same time, making learning an enjoyable experience. You can also acquire education materials that are readily available in book stores, computer shops, and electronic stores. This will surely help you with your math challenges.

In today's world it is clear that not all the responsibility of math learning is on the teachers. As a matter of fact, parents may even have a more important role, because they have access and decide on the external tools the kids will use which could make the difference between learning and not learning. There is this story about a parent who was trying to teach her kid about the value of different money denominations. Using her imagination, she created a game about an imaginary toy store, where she would need to buy toys from her little sister. . This creativity and ingenuity did not only allow the kid to learn fast, but also made her understand the idea far better than the typical classroom scenario.

For mathematics to be exciting, and to assist you deal with math with your kids, mathematics should be introduced in such a way that kids would remember the concepts and formulas easily. The major challenge for educators is to entice and appeal to the exciting side of math.

About the Author:

Robert is one the senior members from MathTrench, a company that provides math problems online

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Math Problems

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teaching autistic students

Making the hard decision to educate your autistic child in mainstream education is never going to be an easy one.

Generally speaking a lot of the methods used in mainstream education will not necessarily suit an autistic youngster.

For example most normally developing children will be able to learn using various methods like for example visually, kinesthetically and using auditory learning.

Where as with the autistic child this may not be the case and there for certain conditions within the mainstream classroom should be taken into account before the autistic youngster starts school.

For example teaching students with autism can be helped by remembering most autistic children will be visual learners and will respond better to lessons that are taught visually.

So by adding pictures, images and visual cues or prompts to lessons especially those lessons that involve class teaching will improve the chances of the autistic student understanding and staying focused.

Most autistic children if in mainstream education will have the ability to cope with the education aspect of mainstream school but will probably struggle with the social, communication, imagination and interaction aspects of a normal classroom.

These are the main areas of difficulty for most autistic youngsters. They lack the social and communication abilities of their normally developing peers, which can lead to social isolation and at times even bullying.

Therefore when making preparations for teaching students with autism autistic educators would be well advised to remember this. As well as making the appropriate changes or modifications to the classroom.

An autistic educators can gain an advantage by taking certain aspects into consideration like making the classroom visually more suitable for the autistic student, by this I mean adding appropriate visual aids and prompts around the class, like a picture of the toilet over the bathroom a coat above their coat peg and so on by doing this you will relieve a lot of the anxieties the autistic student may have.

Another good idea would be the introduction of autism visual aids for the autistic youngster like visual schedules and social skills stories.

Both the visual schedule and social skills stories will help the autistic student find repetition, instruction, and structure all things an autistic student will need to be able to learn effectively.

The autism social stories will act as a guide, friend, instruction and coping method. Evidence proves autism social skills stories are well placed in the autism classroom and can provide clarity to those situations like recess, break time, dinner time and lessons that the autistic student may struggle to cope with.

To download autism social stories for helping autistic students and for helping prepare for teaching autistic students visit:

www.autismsocialstories.com/school and download 48 autism classroom social stories for autistic students.

Or for other autism social skills stories and resources visit:


About the Author:

All social skills stories for autism classrooms as well as other social skills stories and resources can be downloaded and implemented with our full support from www.autismsocialstories.org.uk

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - teaching autistic students

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A look at the Fire Science College

Fire Science College was setup in order to provide the service people with a complete degree in fire prevention or administration. The college offers a great deal of skills to those who want to emerge as the future fire preventions and mechanisms expects. This college offers a wide range of courses that are to be followed and supervised by well experienced members in the filed. The distance learning program is one of the advantages that have been brought about by the college. The courses are also taken in block releases and students are given resident courses for a short period where they learn closely with the experienced fir chiefs. This makes the students learning a whole much easier as they get to have some practical experience in the fire and administration sectors.

The college is one of the 7 DDP consortium schools in the USA. This makes it possible for students at the college to earn the NFA certificates with ease depending on their credit or merit score. You will also be able to walk away with your BS in fire at the fire science college. The college brings you closer to the best in the fire industry and soon you will be amongst them in no time. The fire science college provides students with not only information about fire prevention but with also the adequate experience needed in the fire sector.

The applications to the college can be done online meaning that you don’t have to go through a long series of hand written applications. The study packs can be downloaded online making it very much easy to study and follow the courses online. Since the courses are taken over the internet it can help those people already in the fire sector to advance in their fire knowledge and positions. This certainly entitles you to get into those departments in the fire academy that you have always wanted.

About the Author:

The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for Fire Science Classes and the fire science degrees.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - A look at the Fire Science College

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Where You Can Get Teacher Certification

There are many ways for you to get teacher certification. There are always mail order or even online classes that a person can take. The most common way though is to go to a college. Some people prefer smaller community colleges but pretty much any college will have a teaching degree offered. Colleges however can always offer a little more.

Many people get teacher certification through the mail. There are many programs that have been set up so that you can get all of your class materials and homework assignments through mail. Many people take advantage of mail order teacher certification for various reasons. People that do not have the ability to go to a conventional learning institute find that mail order classes are especially attractive. Some people have disabilities that do not allow them to go out. Other people may have a schedule that is too complicated to go to a school for classes. Some people may make the choice to take classes at home through the mail because they do not have Internet to take classes that way.

Although you can order materials through the mail, most people prefer to take classes at home online. This can be a great way to get your teacher certification. Again, it is especially valuable to people that cannot easily leave their homes. Online classes though have the added bonus of actually seeing your teacher. There are many different hands on class activities that you can take advantage of in an online course. Also when there are tests and quizzes, they are taken care of much faster. Many traditionally taught classes often take advantage of having online interactive materials. In general, getting teacher certification online is much faster than through the mail. Many people even choose to take online classes while they are in school because of things like scheduling.

Although there are many advantages to taking classes at home, most people prefer to get teacher certification through traditional class work. There are many advantages to taking classes at a college. Smaller colleges offer a more personal environment. The professors know who you are and are more accessible for one on one teaching. In large colleges, although you do not get the more personal help, there are often a more varied array of classes and other opportunities that you can take part in. All colleges that offer teacher certification also offer hands on teaching opportunities in the community. Although teaching certification can be a valuable thing, without the experience in actual teaching, you may feel incomplete. Many colleges offer not just hands on teaching opportunities but also fellowships. This can be very valuable to both the student and the school.

About the Author:

Darren Ferguson is an expert on teacher certification and qualifications. He provides useful information about to become a teacher in your state. If you want to know more about Teacher certificate, Illinois Teacher Certification and New York teacher certification then visit http://certificationmap.com

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Where You Can Get Teacher Certification

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Landmark Education on Communication

Everyone at some point has experienced an impasse in communication; those frustrating occasions when it all breaks down and people want to get up and walk out. Just look at a sample of recent headlines: “Peace Talks Breakdown” or “Labor Negotiations at a Stalemate” or “Negotiations Fail to Result in an Accord”. When the stakes are high and people are afraid they have something to loose communication becomes strained and people stop listening to one another. Usually this is while claiming that the people on the other side of the table are actually the ones who are not doing the listening. We get so concerned and fearful about getting other people to hear what we have to say, we become unwilling to hear what they have to say.

Indeed, listening seems sometimes as if it is a rare happening among human beings. We can’t really listen to another person speaking if we’re preoccupied, or if we’re trying to decide what we’re going to say when the other stops talking, or if we’re debating about whether what is being spoken is true or relevant or agreeable. Listening, in other words, is being accessible and open to what is being said.

At Landmark Education we contend that listening has an amazing power. It gives life to what is being spoken. You might even say it is with the listener that both the speaker and what is spoken exist and come alive. Think of how inspired and enlivened the elderly can become when you sit down and have an extended conversation with them. Think about what happens when someone is really listening to you. Ever notice that you become funnier and more playful when someone laughs at your jokes? What about when a child recognizes that adults are actually listening to them? Their whole demeanor shifts. In the programs of Landmark Education, you find yourself with a new ability to listen to others. You find yourself inspired by the people you have in your life. When you truly listen to people you discover the best of what they have to offer.

Speaking, meanwhile, can be something more than talking, more than the exchange of symbols or information, more than saying what you really think. In speaking we can share ourselves; we can evoke experience in others. Speaking is where our ideas become clear and possible. It is where others are expanded by our time spent with them. It allows for the futures we create. Speaking lives in poetry, in the appreciation of another, in idle conversations that pass the time, in great theories and books that give rise to wonder and thought.
Speaking allows for "who" and "how" we "are" in the world. It is what gives voice to all that is possible in being human. In our ability to speak and share we have the ability to shape the world we live in.

In the courses of Landmark Education you find that true communication is creation. It has the power to shape, determine, and alter the course and quality of our lives. It moves people. It generates experience in others. It not only delivers information to others, it actually transforms their ability to hear. True communication transforms both the speaker and listener.

The Landmark Forum suggests that what it is to be human has its own domain and that domain is one of language—of communication, of conversation. Through communication —the realm of language, of conversation—each of us has complete access to ourselves, to others, to the very essence and possibility of what it means to be human.

This is the essence of what Landmark Education is about and what The Landmark Forum provides.

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Rabu, 03 Juni 2009

Learn How to Learn, Then Teach yourself What You Want to Learn

They are not teaching my child enough in school (K-12)."
"School (K-12) is boring."
"I don't like my major, but my parents are forcing it on me because they believe this field is where all the good jobs are."
"I need to pass this course, even if I have to cheat so that I can finish my degree and get a job."

"I know people with college degrees that can't even find a job."

These are some of the statements that people make when they are either feed up, confused, or disinterested in the education they or their children are receiving. While their concerns may seem legitimate to them, the act of drudging through school or dropping out of school before completing a bachelors degree is becoming more costly to the average American as the rest of the world surpasses us in the educational arena and becomes more marketable and competitive in the global marketplace. More and more, American CEOs are complaining on Capital Hill that America's young people do not have the required skills and training to meet the demands of the ever-changing business world. CEOs like Bill Gates, have used these claims to widen the door for the ever-increasing outsourcing of American jobs to more educated talent pools in poorer countries like India.

Now, I would like to address this issue by discussing the need for Americans to rethink how we go about educating ourselves, because our educational process has gotten caught up in the web of capitalism and has become a product for sale rather than an intellectual enrichment process that lasts as well as benefits us throughout our life. Contrary to what many may believe, education is not simply a gateway to a job. And while our government has created and "maintained" our educational system through our tax dollars, it is not solely their responsibility to provide us with a quality education that meets our individual needs and satisfies our unique curiosities. We have to begin taking some initiative in our own education and that of our children if we want to remain marketable and competitive on the world stage as well as develop intellectually as human begins. This requires educational leadership in the form of shifting our thinking from simply being educated because society says so, my parents say so, or because I need a job, to retraining ourselves to learn how to learn so that we can begin shaping and controlling our future endeavors.

What do I mean when I say learn how to learn? Well, learning how to learn means that one goes into the educational process ready to absorb the material from the standpoint of sheer curiosity. Whatever peaks your interest is what you as a learner should focus on. Now, I understand that schools (K-12) and colleges have curriculums, but the idea here is to identify you learning style (such as visual, audio, or hands-on) through learning the basics in K-12 (reading, writing, and mathematics) and then use this knowledge as a spring board to teaching yourself any and everything that interests you as you move through your life. You may be asking, how can I teach myself or learn anything without formal training? The truth is that everything that we learn intellectually is rooted in reading, writing, and mathematics. Therefore, your level of mastery in these three disciplines will play a large role in determining your intellectual prowess as well as ability to teach yourself new things. This is why you must master reading, writing, and mathematics in K-12, so that you can supplement your formal education with informal education (which includes utilizing the wealth of knowledge available at libraries, museums, art galleries, and the information-rich Internet). The key to the informal education is that you identify and explore things that you are naturally curious about and use the knowledge you gained in your formal educational training to facilitate this learning process.

You see, when you begin to learn how to learn, you can teach yourself almost anything if the natural curiosity is there. That gives you great power and can turn you into a life-long learner (which is becoming very necessary in this competitive world). Speaking from the vantage point of someone who has mastered the skill of learning how to learn, here are viable responses to the statements made at the beginning of this piece:

One is not simply relegated to saying his/her child is not being taught enough in school (K-12), because one realizes that there are many venues outside of the formal school setting where he/she can supplement his/her child's learning.
School (K-12) is no longer seen as boring, because one realizes the foundation (reading, writing, and mathematics) for all supplemental and future learning begins here.
It becomes difficult for others (such as parents, friends, or teachers) to impose their will upon you in regards to your education, because you have taken control of your learning. In life, it is your own, not someone else's natural curiosity or interests that will make you great in whatever you choose to do or be.
Cheating becomes unnecessary, because you realize that by doing so you would be hurting your intellectual development in the long run. By cheating, you would be learning very little if anything for use in your future endeavors.
Lastly, having a college degree by itself guarantees nothing. There is much more that makes up a person's level of employability such as work ethic, punctuality, or diligence. Nevertheless, education is very important, not only for career development but for self and intellectual development. Don't use others failures as an excuse for you to fail as well.

Dr. Mario Barrett, Ph.D.

Dr. Barrett has an earned PhD in applied management and decision sciences, with a specialization in leadership and organizational change. He also holds a MS in organizational leadership and a BS in organizational management. In addition to these degrees, Dr. Barrett has completed several executive certificates focusing on various areas of management and leadership development.

Dr. Barrett is proud of his academic accomplishments, as they are the product of his long and sometimes difficult journey out of poverty. Along his journey, Dr. Barrett served honorably in the U.S. Air Force, participating in several vital overseas operations in the Middle East and Europe. He has also taught organizational leadership courses at the graduate degree level at Mercy College. This desire to develop leadership whether it be in myself or others is what drives Dr. Barrett. Dr. Barrett currently lives in NYC, where he runs The Barrett Center for Leadership Development, LLC (www.TheBarrettCenter.com). The Barrett center offers workshops, seminars, caoching, consulting, and speaking engagements focused on the leadership and organizational principles developed by Dr. Barrett. You can find his current leadership model (The Barrett Leadership Model) in his new book Leading from the Inside-Out.

The Barrett Center's Mission: To help clients develop their leadership from the inside-out.
The Barrett Center's Vision: Uplift the human condition by teaching individuals and organizations how to lead their existence from the inside-out.


About the Author:

Dr. Barrett has an earned PhD in applied management and decision sciences, with a specialization in leadership and organizational change. He also holds a MS in organizational leadership and a BS in organizational management. In addition to these degrees, Dr. Barrett has completed several executive certificates focusing on various areas of management and leadership development.

Dr. Barrett is proud of his academic accomplishments, as they are the product of his long and sometimes difficult journey out of poverty. Along his journey, Dr. Barrett served honorably in the U.S. Air Force, participating in several vital overseas operations in the Middle East and Europe. He has also taught organizational leadership courses at the graduate degree level at Mercy College. This desire to develop leadership whether it be in myself or others is what drives Dr. Barrett. Dr. Barrett currently lives in NYC, where he runs The Barrett Center for Leadership Development, LLC (www.TheBarrettCenter.com). The Barrett center offers workshops, seminars, caoching, consulting, and speaking engagements focused on the leadership and organizational principles developed by Dr. Barrett. You can find his current leadership model (The Barrett Leadership Model) in his new book Leading from the Inside-Out.

The Barrett Center's Mission: To help clients develop their leadership from the inside-out.

The Barrett Center's Vision: Uplift the human condition by teaching individuals and organizations how to lead their existence from the inside-out.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Learn How to Learn, Then Teach yourself What You Want to Learn


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