Minggu, 24 Mei 2009

Boring After School Activities

Boring After School Activities

Why does Lisa grumble when it is time for her to go for her piano lessons? How come Johnny abhors the sight of his skates now? After all, these children were very enthusiastic about the programs when they started off. What happened? Parents are often confused by the disturbing and often incongruous signals they receive from their children. One day the kids are excited about the new theatre class and in just a few short weeks they wail and moan when it's time to go.The first thing a family should do when a child begins resisting a previously loved activity is to listen and investigate. Do not jump into conclusions. A little bit of intelligent sleuthing is required. Ask your child what he or she does in the class. Find out what exactly is the cause of the problem. Then ask the teachers the same questions. Compare notes. You may stumble on some important clues. Usually, children start out on an activity thinking it's all fun. But when they realize that they cannot just hang out and that they need to follow rules etc, they begin to resist. Your child may feel stifled if the program is too structured. If the discipline is too rigorous or the activity too painful (like a karate class) some children balk. Use your own instincts. Does the program feel like fun? Would you want to attend it yourself? Are they offering enough motivation to keep the child interested?The teacher-to-child ratio is also an important factor. Children need attention. If the number of teachers is just enough to handle a class, it is possible that your child is not receiving enough attention. State recommendations usually specify that there must be 1 teacher for 15 children. Children try to avoid problems they cannot solve. If there are no perceivable problems with the class and the teachers, perhaps you need to have a chat with your child. If your judgment says that the place is good and the activity engaging enough, then it's time to work with your child. More often than not, social pressures may be at work here. Does your child have friends there? If she is lonely or miserable because of the lack of friends, help her find a friend. If she finds a friend, she will get more involved in the activities If your best efforts do not pay off, and your child still resists that fantastic guitar classes, then it's time to let go. Shift your child to some other program. If he or she still retains interest in guitars, you can take it up after a few months. Never force the child, especially when it comes to extra-curricular activities. Since they are 'extra', they must bring in extra happiness and extra enthusiasm too.
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10 Secrets Of A Successful Homeschool

1. Have fun. Attitude is everything with home learning. Enjoy learning and your kids will enjoy it. Make it drudgery and they will respond as well. Try to make even boring tasks, pleasant at least. This is not to say that everything must be a 3-ring circus, but if you have a fresh, upbeat attitude even with times tables and spelling tests, this will reflect well on your children's enjoyment and learning potential.2. Limit interruptions. My biggest interruption is the phone. Get a good answering machine and use it during regularly scheduled learning time. Or use voice mail. Record a message that states from this time to that time we are home educating and will get back to you after we are finished. Tell friends and relatives that this is the case, and eventually they will learn to respect this. This also means well meaning drop in visits and babysitting for friends, etc. Keep your children's learning time sacred and your family will benefit from this.3. Dedicate your time to their learning. If you are doing 101 things while your children are trying to do bookwork, how can you expect them to concentrate and finish tasks at hand? Keep your focus on them, it is a priority that rewards!4. Keep it simple. Be careful not to fall into the "Curriculum of the Month" club. Trying and swapping and changing your education plans with every new program that breezes by will kill your children's spirit. This is not to say that you should stay with something that is not working, just be careful not to flit about like a butterfly in a field of flowers. Your children will quickly learn that all it takes in a bit of whining and they'll have a new book, workbook or system in no time. Also, simplify your life. Too many commitments and outside activities and responsibilities can really wreck havoc with your schedule. Try to keep your life simple and you will be rewarded.5. Have FAITH! In yourself, your kids and in God. If you are doing the best you can, you will be rewarded. How can you do any worse than an overworked, underpaid public school teacher with only 6 hours and 24 - 30 children to teach? Overcome your own shortcomings with help, tutoring assistance and your own re-education. Don't count yourself short. Children learn in any environment even the slums of Calcutta! Provide them with your time and enthusiasm, good basic materials and faith and you will do as well if not better than that poor teacher can. You have the best interest of your children in your heart. Let it work for them.6. When in doubt READ! If the washing machine is flooding, the baby is sick, your toddler is fussy and lunch is burning don't just give up, get reading. Reading is the best way for your kids to learn and retain. Gather up the brood and snuggle on the couch with a good classic. Reading aloud is a wonderful activity for your family. Even experienced readers will love to hear a story aloud, especially when they don't have to sound out each word and get through those they may not know. There is a rhyme and rhythm to books read aloud that delights even little ones. Make it a drama performance, use voices change the sound levels of your voice, and discuss the plot. You can even tape record your story time so that pre-readers can listen again and again and enjoy the story while you worry about that washing machine! 7. Surround yourself with home school mentors. Whether it's an online group, or a support group, or just a great mom you met at church or at the library, keep in touch with these people! Ask questions; ask for helpful advice, most likely, they will be happy to help, because someone in their life helped them. Don't do this alone. Even a good home education magazine will help you in your quest. Read home education books when you are in need of a little boost. 8. Use the Library! What a wonderful resource most public libraries are. Not only books of any and every subject but reference books, video tapes, audio tapes, learning materials, computer accesses, computer software and so much more. With just a notebook and some pencils, I truly believe you could educate your children with just a library at hand! Don't spend a fortune on all these reference books for home. Use the libraries! And the librarians love homeschoolers9. Take frequent break days. If you are sick, or some family obligations make a day difficult, take a day off. Instead of great big weeks off or even the whole summer, take frequent days off through the year to refresh and empower you. The children will be pleased and you will get a chance to regroup. Just make sure they aren't every other day!10. Watch for outside time stealers! Field trips and social outings and classes for this and that are important, just make sure you are not overdoing it. Too many errands and outings can kill a day's learning and overwhelm your schedule. Remember that you are home schooling not car schooling! Try and schedule a day that is busy and three or four days that are not. Your family will appreciate this!copyright © 2006 by Sherri L. Chekal
Sherri Chekal is the art director at Westvon Publishing. She is the editor of the popular www.TheParentTeacher.com and the www.TheHomeschoolShop.com websites, as well as offering her graphic talents to several bands through websites, promotion and writing skills. She plays with the Fulton County Bluegrass band in Ohio. She homeschools her two daughters and is quite the Renaissance woman of talents and skills. She is the art director for the bluegrass newspaper, www.TheBluegrassJournal.com

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7 Good Reasons To Learn A Foreign Language

Learning a foreign language is naturally a process that requires effort and time, much or not, depending on the capability of an individual. Current technology makes learning a second language more flexible and easier. You can learn it anywhere you like, in your car while trapped in traffic jam, while waiting for commuter to arrive or fishing at Lake Garden, by means of many types of medium such as cassette, CD and the Internet, such as at www.malaylanguage.mypositivemoney.com where you will find a good resource of foreign languages. Below are just a few reasons why you should learn another language:1. Most significant yet simple reason – Eliminate the language barrier that you may face, easier for you to deal with other people when you go traveling or have to work in another country. The majority of native people probably do not know how to speak English fluently or do not know how to speak English at all, so knowing some key phrases will help you a lot. Moreover, you will want to know what people around you are talking about while you're shopping, waiting for taxi, or having dinner at a restaurant.2. Local people tend to be friendlier with you since you speak the same language as them. You also can get friends easily, which in return can help you greatly in dealing with certain troubles that you may encounter, and you may not know how to cope with, such as problems related with customary law. Locals also will believe you more than people who cannot speak their language, which is a good point when you are in a foreign land.3. Knowing a foreign language really helps when you are lost in a remote area where you can hardly find people who can speak English except local language. 4. Giving you chances to understand the exotic local traditions and way of living easier and deeper. This priceless experience is absolutely an opportunity not be missed for anyone who love to travel. You can share beautiful moments having fun with locals on occasions and understand the meaning behind it, which in the same time, gives you knowledge. 5. Improve your memory skill resulting from activity of reading, learning and memorizing. Open up your mind to be more acceptable to other people’s differences. Your thinking will be more maturely and sensibly.6. This is reality, guys: According to Kwintessential, people who learn a foreign language are wealthier, happier and are regarded sexier than those who can speak only English.7. From a survey conducted in Britain involving 270 dating agencies, the result shows that people who speak or learn a foreign language are more attractive, intelligent and sexier to the opposite sex.Hopefully some of the reasons above will give you some ideas on how important it is to learn an additional language. Continuous learning for life leads to success and wisdom.
Tarmizi Ramly is a native Malay with years of experience in language learning offering free online Malay language resources of common Malay words, phrases for anyone and daily Malay language newsletters. He also included audio tools for correct pronunciation, all for free. Visit his website at http://www.malaylanguage.mypositivemoney.com . Any queries please send them to 1.)faizal.nordin@gmail.com or 2.)jijigren@jumpa.ws

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Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Easy to Learn Math Tricks

Have you ever wanted to teach your child some simple math tricks that you learned many years ago but can't seem to remember them? Well you are not alone! With the amount of math tricks that are out there, it can be hard to remember all of them. Here are a few to help refresh your mind for you.

A lot of children tend to get scared when they begin multiplication for 10 and up, but you can actually make things a little less scary for them. Usually by grade two a child is beginning to learn how to multiply things by the number eleven and many struggle, so teach your child this little trick and they'll love you forever for it.

Let go through an example so you can visually see by what I mean when I say you can literally multiple anything by eleven. Let's use the following equation:

11 x 45

Now with the numbers you are multiplying eleven with separate them with a space so you are now given the individual numbers 4 & 5. Now add these to numbers together which will get you 9. Now here comes the easiest part ever. Where you placed the space between the numbers 4 & 5 place the number 9 and you'll now have the total of 11 x 45= 495

Now if your child gets caught with a double digit number teach them this nifty little trick:

11 x 78

You will once again add these two numbers together which will give you 15. Let me show you what you'll need to do.

11x78 > 7 (7+8) 8 > 7 15 8 ... Now you will take the number 1 and add it onto the 7 which will then give you the answer of 858 for your answer. This trick is very simple and can let anyone truly get a better feel of doing their eleven times tables.

Now that you've learned how to do your eleven times table let's back track to the nine times table. This trick happens to be one of the most simplistic tricks anyone could ever learn and help a child really start out with their math.

When you are given a multiplication problem where you are multiplying 9 by 6 hold up both your hands in front of you, then you will begin counting from your left hand to the right hand till you hit the 6th finger, which would be your thumb. When you lower you thumb look at the fingers you have left on each hand. On your left hand you have 5 and on your right hand you have four. Place these two numbers together side by side and you'll have the answer of 54.

As you can see by using these two tricks you can really start your way to successfully starting your child's understanding of math. When a child finds that they are not struggling with math they are more likely to enjoy it, so teach them these two simple tricks and be on your way to have a child who loves participating in math.

About the Author:
For more information on math tricks revealed, visit www.shuiguo168.com. It is a comprehensive resource for math games and tricks, magic tricks, and much more.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Easy to Learn Math Tricks

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Women's Education

Women's Education is very essential in this world. People are giving importance for women’s education nowadays. More steps should be taken to improve education among women not only those who are in urbun but also in rural areas.

World Education has a long history of successfully working with local partners to design, execute, manage and evaluate participatory, community-based initiatives to advance the conditions of girls and women. World Education's programs help girls enroll and stay in school and help women gain access to or create new educational, financial, and social resources in their communities. World Education programs help girls and women improve their own lives, the lives of their families and the conditions in their communities. For parents - and especially mothers - this means creating conditions that ensure their daughters have equal access to basic education, are able to make informed decisions about their futures, and are able to protect themselves from trafficking, sexual exploitation, HIV and AIDS, for example.

By improving educational opportunities for girls and women, World Education helps women develop skills that allow them to make decisions and influence community change in key areas. In turn, these programs have a positive impact on some of the most profound issues of our time: population growth, HIV and AIDS, peace and security, and the widening gap between the rich and poor.

Education in India is only one among various other elements that have captured the attention of the world. While the United Nations is worried about the presence of a large number of illiterates, various other countries are amazed by the quality of some of the human resources that the Indian education system has produced.

The growth of the Indian economy in the recent past and the compulsion to sustain it is also forcing the Indian government to accelerate the process of developing all the branches of the Indian education system. Therefore, it would be very interesting to understand and analyze the various structures of education in India, its present condition and future developments.

The leaders of our freedom movement realized the importance of girls’ education and had put it as a prime agenda for national development. However, when India attained independence some 60 years ago, it was a formidable challenge that the new government had to face Social and cultural barriers to education of women and lack of access to organized schooling, had to be addressed immediately.

Education has been regarded as the most significant instrument for changing women's subjugated position in the society. It not only develops the personality and rationality of individuals, but qualifies them to fulfill certain economic, political and cultural functions and thereby improves their socio-economic status.

In India, the increase in the educational facilities and opportunities for women and the removal of traditional bars on entry of women to particular branches and levels of education came to be supported by all champions of women's emancipation from the 19th Century onwards. However, the Indian reformers of the 19th Century wanted to educate women to perform their role as good wives and mothers and not to make them as direct active participants in the process of national development of the country. The colonial authorities generally supported this limited view-point of women's education. The expansion of education and health services in the 20th Century, however, precipitated a need for women teachers and doctors which resulted in the incorporation of these two vocations in the programs of women's education.

In spite of the constitutional provision of equality and the recommendations of the committees and commissions about the provision for the same type of education for women as for men, the traditional limited view point of women's education, with a separate role of women in the society. has had a great influence on the planning for women's education.

Thus women’s education should be taken as a serious issue and take steps to develop it among every woman both in urban and rural.


About the Author:

Im a house wife and im also interested in women's welfare

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Women's Education

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